yiisoft / app

Yii3 application template

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Update composer.json version constrains

marqu3s opened this issue · comments

What steps will reproduce the problem?

Try to create an app using composer

composer create-project yiisoft/app --prefer-dist --stability=dev app

What is the expected result?

Success composer execution and installation of all dependencies.

What do you get instead?

A broken composer dependencies instalation. When trying to fix the versions constrains I got stuck in an endless loop of requirements I could not solve.

Additional info

Version 3.0
PHP version 8.2
Operating system linux ubuntu

I just installed it with no problem.

I’ve just used the yii-docker image and the command worked fine when executed inside the container.

But the versions in the app template composer.json file are outdated anyway when compared to the most recent version of various packages.

Now version constraints allow install last version of packages. For example, by definition "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.3" installed version 5.5.0.

Before release we actualize all versions.