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Yii3 application template

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Configuration wizard

samdark opened this issue · comments

A console configuration wizard will be great to have. For example:

- Do you want database? Y
- Cycle or DB? DB
- Which server to connect to? localhost
- What is login? root
- What's password? superpassword

will install db package and configure it.

I suggest to make a global command-line tool, which will ask, i.e.:

  • Do you need console commands?
  • Do you need web application?
  • Would your app be api-only or you need html/widgets/bootstrap/jquery?
  • Would it be a classic web-app or a long-living one (choose one of RR, Swoole, etc.)
  • Which router would you choose?
  • Which test frameworks do you need?
  • Step-by-step docker-compose and dockerfile generation

I think it can be not only command-line, but with web interface too. It will create a php server with auto searching for a free tcp port and display output like "Go to http://localhost:8080 to continue installation". Such a tool will be good-looking in a public container image.

Not sure it worth it to create a web interface for it. Developers are usually OK with console.

In a web interface it's more comfortable to use checkboxes, display wizard progress and see the result of your choices.

I can make a console configuration wizard
Is it a duplicate?

I can make a console configuration wizard

May be should it be separate console utility in separate repo?

Is it a duplicate?

No. It is issue for Yii Dev Panel. But current issue about console wizard.

if this task is still relevant, I can try to do it in my repository and then transfer it to you

It is relevant.