yiicod / yii2-socketio

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Yii alias is not correct

andriibond opened this issue · comments

Hello! I tried to use it extension in ma app. And I came across with one problem when Broadcast.php tried to create a new Process. There is problem with $yiiAlias = '@app/..'. I overrided this alias in my console.php config to
'aliases' => [
'@app/..' => '@app'
After that, everything worked. But I spent a lot of time to understand this problem.
Please, fix it in Broadcast.php, the line 29.

Hello! Thx for you comment. This problem can be if you use "yii2-app-basic". I will add new param "yiiAlias" for console command.

Problem was resolved https://github.com/yiicod/yii2-socketio/blob/master/Process.php#L84
If you want to set your own path use Yii DI for change it