yhirose / react-typescript-electron-sample-with-create-react-app-and-electron-builder

React-TypeScript-Electron sample with Create React App and Electron Builder

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build for apple m1

leejw51 opened this issue · comments

how can i build for apple m1?
yarn electron:build produces x64 binary

@leejw51, you have to wait until electron-builder officially supports m1. It seems some are able to make arm or universal build successfully. Could you try the suggestions described in this electron-builder issue on your machine, since I don't have a M1 machine? If your attempt works, I'll put the information on README. Thanks for your great help in advance!

@leejw51, any update?

@leejw51, I upgraded to Electron 12.0.0 and electron-builder 22.10.5 which supports M1. You can pass --arm64 or --universal to electron-builder command in electron:build script to generate a binary for M1 according to the this electron-builder issue. Please find more detailed info there.