yhirose / maxminddb

Pure Ruby GeoIP2 MaxMind DB reader.

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CI build failures

olleolleolle opened this issue · comments

The build at https://travis-ci.org/github/yhirose/maxminddb/builds/679561930 lists a few data-dependent tests which seem to have changed. Mountain View became San Mateo, and some other numeric values about maps.

It all seems to be about the data, but I can't tell, since I don't have a local checkout of it.

Do you know how to update the test suite?

@olleolleolle, thank you for the report. From a few years ago, 'GeoLite2 Sign Up' is required to download the free GeoLite2 databases. So the CI can no longer download the city and country databases on the fly... So I basically abandon maintaining this library since then. If there is an easy way to overcome the limitation, I am glad to fix the build problem. Also travis-ci.org will be shutting down in several weeks... Should it be better to switch to GitHub Actions probably?

@yhirose Is the database cached somewhere on Travis?

@yhirose Or, is the database necessary to run the tests?

@olleolleolle, the database is necessary for the unit testing. You can see what it does in Rakefile. It first tries to download the latest GeoLite2 database files from maxmind site to the cache directory, and then the unit tests run on the database files.

Alright, then any move outside of Travis would invalidate that cache, making life hard.