yglukhov / nimx

GUI library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Documentation for NimX is unclear.

ShockedCoder opened this issue · comments

I cannot seem to find a solution to changing some of the attributes of "Builder".

I'm trying to do it like this after looking through the code:

import nimx/naketools
import strformat

    appName           = "CollectiveGallery"
    appVersion        = "1.0"
    javaPackageId     = &"eu.example.{appName}"
    activityClassName = &"{javaPackageId}.MainActivity"
    mainFile          = "src/CollectiveGallery"
    bin               = mainFile

var cgBuild = newBuilder() # cg = CollectiveGallery

cgBuild.appName           = appName
cgBuild.appVersion        = appVersion
cgBuild.javaPackageId     = javaPackageId
cgBuild.activityClassName = activityClassName
cgBuild.mainFile          = mainFile


But, as expected, this doesn't work and I'm met with a SIGSEGV error.

There also doesn't seem to be a way to change what name the binary ends up as.

Here's how it should look like:

import nimx/naketools

# Your constants here ...

beforeBuild = proc(b: Builder) =
  b.mainFile = mainFile
  b.appName = appName
  # ... etc...

There also doesn't seem to be a way to change what name the binary ends up as.

True, there's no way to adjust final executable name. It is either appName.* or main.* depending on target platform. What is the reason you want the binary name to be different?

What is the reason you want the binary name to be different?

A bit late because i forgor💀, but because why not?

There's no reason not to be able to have the name of the resulting executable not be customizable.

You don't have to use naketools then. Just use nim c -r --threads:on <file>.nim