yglukhov / nimx

GUI library

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ios-sim target exits after application launch briefly showing UI

capocasa opened this issue · comments

Edit: Workaround: The app works if the second parameter to iPhoneSetAnimationCallback is set to a positive integer instead of 0. I have no idea whether this has any side effects or what's going on under the hood, but it does run right now.

Built target ios-sim on OSX high sierra using latest nim compiler.

Program compiles without error, but terminates after briefly showing GUI after launch in the simulator.

Note: high sierra is run as a VirtualBox guest. Theoretically, this could be an issue with virtualization, however all other apps- osx and simulated ios- work fine.

system.log output

Dec  3 16:10:49 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Dec  3 16:10:49 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-C765-40A2-8066-BE46BA74B057[5308] (com.apple.securityuploadd): Service only ran for 7 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 3 seconds.
Dec  3 16:10:52 Carlos-iMac mynimx[5483]: assertion failed: 17G14042 16B91: libxpc.dylib + 79599 [F7D4B188-D5C2-3E5E-BB76-BC7C6A368166]: 0x7d
Dec  3 16:10:56 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-C765-40A2-8066-BE46BA74B057[5308] (UIKitApplication:casa.capo.mynimx[0xc7][5331][5483]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Dec  3 16:10:59 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-C765-40A2-8066-BE46BA74B057[5308] (com.apple.securityuploadd): Service only ran for 7 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 3 seconds.
Dec  3 16:11:08 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-C765-40A2-8066-BE46BA74B057[5308] (com.apple.securityuploadd): Service only ran for 5 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 5 seconds.
Dec  3 16:11:39 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Dec  3 16:11:39 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-C765-40A2-8066-BE46BA74B057[5308] (com.apple.securityuploadd): Service only ran for 5 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 5 seconds.
Dec  3 16:12:10 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Dec  3 16:12:10 Carlos-iMac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DEFB4D3F-

simulated iPhone x console app output

default	16:13:36.017138 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701217.4
default	16:13:36.903274 +0100	SpringBoard	immediate edge swipe: failed
default	16:13:36.933767 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Received message from child simulator on port 13571, so dispatching.
default	16:13:36.939558 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Updating existing item, 3A435D54-98E7-45E4-BF53-F9F0C075C1DA /(null)
default	16:13:37.020615 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701218.4
default	16:13:37.987555 +0100	SpringBoard	immediate edge swipe: failed
default	16:13:37.989731 +0100	SpringBoard	Icon touch began: <SBIconView: 0x7ff48b7cc3f0; frame: {{288, 28}, {60, 74}}; icon: <SBApplicationIcon: 0x6000015342d0; nodeID: casa.capo.mynimx; bundleID: casa.capo.mynimx>; location: home; contentType: default; isTouchDownInIcon: YES>
default	16:13:37.989994 +0100	SpringBoard	Found a reasonable launch image for casa.capo.mynimx, not pre-warming SplashBoard. Load image into the snapshot instance.
default	16:13:38.023416 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701219.4
default	16:13:38.075880 +0100	SpringBoard	Icon tapped: <SBIconView: 0x7ff48b7cc3f0; frame: {{288, 28}, {60, 74}}; icon: <SBApplicationIcon: 0x6000015342d0; nodeID: casa.capo.mynimx; bundleID: casa.capo.mynimx>; location: home; contentType: default; isHighlighted: YES; isTouchDownInIcon: YES>
default	16:13:38.075998 +0100	SpringBoard	Activating casa.capo.mynimx from icon
default	16:13:38.076108 +0100	SpringBoard	Executing request: <SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x600008429f80; eventLabel: SBUIApplicationIconLaunchEventLabel; display: Main; source: HomeScreen>
default	16:13:38.078084 +0100	SpringBoard	Running <SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction: 0x7ff48d07fe20> for transition request:
<SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x600008429f80; eventLabel: SBUIApplicationIconLaunchEventLabel; display: Main; source: HomeScreen> {
    applicationContext = <SBWorkspaceApplicationSceneTransitionContext: 0x600001decd10; background: NO> entities = {
        SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBDeviceApplicationSceneEntity: 0x6000009a6da0; ID: casa.capo.mynimx; layoutRole: primary>;
default	16:13:38.084384 +0100	SpringBoard	Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x60000245e2b0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
default	16:13:38.092922 +0100	SpringBoard	Deactivating wallpaper orientation source ActiveOrientation
default	16:13:38.093729 +0100	SpringBoard	Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x600002478ff0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
default	16:13:38.101137 +0100	SpringBoard	Disabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction
default	16:13:38.099278 +0100	sharingd	SystemUI changed: 0x10 -> 0x0
default	16:13:38.118290 +0100	SpringBoard	adding status bar settings assertion: <SBAppStatusBarSettingsAssertion: 0x60000249b3f0> {
    settings = <SBAppStatusBarSettings: 0x600002802ef0; alpha: 0.000000; style: 0x0; legibilitySettings: 0x0; styleOverridesToCancel: 0>;
    level = app switcher;
    reason = App Switcher Visible;
default	16:13:38.120567 +0100	SpringBoard	Push: <SBMainSwitcherWindow: 0x7ff48b4a6a70>
default	16:13:38.121534 +0100	SpringBoard	Evaluate: making new window key: <SBMainSwitcherWindow: 0x7ff48b4a6a70>, for reason: push
default	16:13:38.122402 +0100	SpringBoard	Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x60000245e2b0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
default	16:13:38.126256 +0100	SpringBoard	Bootstrapping casa.capo.mynimx with intent foreground-interactive
default	16:13:38.127589 +0100	SpringBoard	Icon touch canceled (tap gesture may still succeed): <SBIconView: 0x7ff48b7cc3f0; frame: {{288, 28}, {60, 74}}; icon: <SBApplicationIcon: 0x6000015342d0; nodeID: casa.capo.mynimx; bundleID: casa.capo.mynimx>; location: home; contentType: default; iconImageAlpha: 0.000000; iconAccessoryAlpha: 0.000000; isLabelAccessoryViewHidden: YES>
default	16:13:38.084724 +0100	backboardd	Setting minimum brightness level:0 with fade duration 0.4
default	16:13:38.084780 +0100	backboardd	setting CoreBrightness property:DisplayBrightnessFadePeriod to value:0.4
default	16:13:38.084818 +0100	backboardd	setting CoreBrightness property:BrightnessMinPhysicalWithFade to value:0
default	16:13:38.085240 +0100	backboardd	soft cancel on display:<main>
default	16:13:38.153268 +0100	assertiond	Submitting new job for "casa.capo.mynimx" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x7f9d72c2b6f0; SpringBoard; com.apple.springboard; pid: 5325; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default	16:13:38.157818 +0100	assertiond	Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:casa.capo.mynimx[0xc0b2][5331]
default	16:13:38.414853 +0100	SpringBoard	Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x600002478ff0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
default	16:13:38.500243 +0100	assertiond	_FGJetsamPriorityBand is 10 for mynimx:5529
error	16:13:38.500296 +0100	assertiond	SyscallError: memorystatus_control(MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_GET_MEMLIMIT_PROPERTIES, 5529) failed: using 0/1, 0/1
error	16:13:38.500350 +0100	assertiond	SyscallError: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PROCESS_IS_MANAGED failed for mynimx:5529
default	16:13:38.505095 +0100	SpringBoard	[casa.capo.mynimx] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:casa.capo.mynimx[0xc0b2][5331]
default	16:13:38.506545 +0100	SpringBoard	Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7ff48d0a6f90; mynimx (casa.capo.mynimx); pid: 5529>
default	16:13:38.526575 +0100	SpringBoard	Application process state changed for casa.capo.mynimx: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x600002a6cae0; pid: 5529; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default	16:13:38.528426 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:38.529219 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:38.500710 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Adding client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x7f9d72c35400; pid: 5325>
default	16:13:38.502169 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10000]
default	16:13:38.502477 +0100	assertiond	CPUMON: Ignoring System App 5529
default	16:13:38.502739 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 5529, 1): ok
default	16:13:38.503088 +0100	assertiond	Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x7f9d72c61400; mynimx; casa.capo.mynimx; pid: 5529; agency: SystemApp; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 5325> with host <BKProcess: 0x7f9d72c2b6f0; SpringBoard; com.apple.springboard; pid: 5325; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default	16:13:38.507961 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Attempting to acquire assertion for mynimx:5529: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:…4A6DBD9883E1>
default	16:13:38.523227 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; id: 5325-CBD5174D-6456-4CB1-B626-4A6DBD9883E1; name: UIApplicationLaunch; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
    owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x7f9d72c1b900; SpringBoard:5325; valid: YES>;
    flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default	16:13:38.536766 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:…4A6DBD9883E1>
default	16:13:38.537045 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7f9d72c61220 added: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; removed: (none))
default	16:13:38.537301 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100]
default	16:13:39.024147 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701220.4
default	16:13:39.136133 +0100	assertiond	Created BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5316:mediaremoted] -> <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c3d170; pid: 5316; states: all; assertions: none>
default	16:13:39.504589 +0100	assertiond	Removed BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5316:mediaremoted] -> <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c3d170; pid: 5316; states: all; assertions: none>
default	16:13:40.030595 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701221.4
default	16:13:40.046965 +0100	mynimx	SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, pid=5529
default	16:13:40.048392 +0100	mynimx	SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: mynimx[5529]/0#-1 LF=0
default	16:13:40.052433 +0100	MobileGestaltHelper	platform fast path elided: caller = mynimx.5529, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog
default	16:13:40.067951 +0100	mynimx	Retrieving resting unlock: 0
default	16:13:40.065845 +0100	MobileGestaltHelper	platform fast path elided: caller = mynimx.5529, question = eQd5mlz0BN0amTp/2ccMoA
default	16:13:40.069055 +0100	assertiond	SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, pid=5529
default	16:13:40.069219 +0100	assertiond	SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: mynimx[5529]/0#-1 LF=0
default	16:13:40.069955 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] workspaceConnectedWithTaskPortRight: received task port
default	16:13:40.070492 +0100	backboardd	Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:43E832FD-837C-407D-B7FF-587EA270F927 pid:5529 process:mynimx type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: ___getHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 349 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x7ff9dc506db0 [0x7ff9dc500010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
	0 : <CFString 0x7ff9de0322a0 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb42f5103f93fef7f [0x107c90b68]>{value = +5529, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
	1 : <CFString 0x7ff9dc482f30 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x7ff9dc486370 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "casa.capo.mynimx"}
	2 : <CFString 0x7ff9de01f6e0 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x107c97e60 [0x107c90b68]>{value = false}
default	16:13:40.078648 +0100	SpringBoard	[casa.capo.mynimx] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x6000009b79d0
default	16:13:40.081922 +0100	SpringBoard	[casa.capo.mynimx] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x6000009b79d0
default	16:13:40.083413 +0100	SpringBoard	[FBServiceFacilityServer] Client mynimx:5529 connected to service com.apple.frontboardservices.system-app-proxy
default	16:13:40.098303 +0100	SpringBoard	Application process state changed for casa.capo.mynimx: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x600002a1b5e0; pid: 5529; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default	16:13:40.104244 +0100	SpringBoard	Application process state changed for casa.capo.mynimx: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x600002a1aa20; pid: 5529; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default	16:13:40.104304 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:40.104893 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:40.081180 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Attempting to acquire assertion for mynimx:5529: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…11FA797D0CEC>
default	16:13:40.081427 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; id: 5325-150B9AB2-A4AF-467F-828E-11FA797D0CEC; name: Resume; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
    owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x7f9d72c1b900; SpringBoard:5325; valid: YES>;
    flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default	16:13:40.081475 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…11FA797D0CEC>
default	16:13:40.083620 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Attempting to acquire assertion for mynimx:5529: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075>
default	16:13:40.083877 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; id: 5325-E7EAEDD4-2A2C-4702-B264-49085FD56075; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
    owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x7f9d72c1b900; SpringBoard:5325; valid: YES>;
    flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default	16:13:40.083944 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075>
default	16:13:40.106357 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10300]
default	16:13:40.107587 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Attempting to acquire assertion for SpringBoard:5325: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; "com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message" (finishTask:180s); id:…9BEB76345F83>
default	16:13:40.107988 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; id: 5325-3E4BF23F-A337-4521-92AE-9BEB76345F83; name: com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
    owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x7f9d72c1b900; SpringBoard:5325; valid: YES>;
    flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default	16:13:40.108212 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; "com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message" (finishTask:180s); id:…9BEB76345F83>
default	16:13:40.108413 +0100	assertiond	Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5325
default	16:13:40.084310 +0100	backboardd	[BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: casa.capo.mynimx (5529)
default	16:13:40.111488 +0100	SpringBoard	[FBServiceFacilityServer] Client mynimx:5529 connected to service com.apple.uikitservices.applicationStateService
default	16:13:40.115530 +0100	assertiond	Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; "com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message" (finishTask:180s); id:…9BEB76345F83>
default	16:13:40.115642 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; "com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message" (finishTask:180s); id:…9BEB76345F83>
default	16:13:40.115698 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] dump assertions count:2 HWM:3 (deactivateAssertion): {
    <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c22aa0; "FBSystemApp" (continuous:inf); id:…C3D7C7EC1575> [active]
    <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c57920; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…10993778153B> [active]
default	16:13:40.115752 +0100	assertiond	Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5325
default	16:13:40.115867 +0100	assertiond	[SpringBoard:5325] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c60050; "com.apple.UIKit.KeyboardManagement.message" (finishTask:180s); id:…9BEB76345F83>
default	16:13:40.115920 +0100	assertiond	Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5325
default	16:13:40.111168 +0100	backboardd	[BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: casa.capo.mynimx (5529)
default	16:13:40.118270 +0100	assertiond	-[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x7f9d72c60050>
default	16:13:40.191843 +0100	assertiond	Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:…4A6DBD9883E1>
default	16:13:40.191972 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:…4A6DBD9883E1>
default	16:13:40.192032 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] dump assertions count:2 HWM:3 (deactivateAssertion): {
    <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…11FA797D0CEC> [active]
    <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075> [active]
default	16:13:40.192093 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
default	16:13:40.192152 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7f9d72c61220 added: (none); removed: wantsForegroundResourcePriority)
default	16:13:40.192204 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c61220; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:…4A6DBD9883E1>
default	16:13:40.192352 +0100	assertiond	-[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x7f9d72c61220>
default	16:13:40.224372 +0100	MobileGestaltHelper	platform fast path elided: caller = mynimx.5529, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog
default	16:13:40.239904 +0100	SpringBoard	Scene <FBScene: 0x600005b31680; sceneID: casa.capo.mynimx; valid: YES> is setting idleTimerDisabled to: NO
default	16:13:40.239952 +0100	SpringBoard	SBIdleTimerGlobalCoordinator - updateIdleTimerForReason:"IdleTimerDisableChangedForMainDisplaySceneManager"]
default	16:13:40.246066 +0100	backboardd	Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:7EA85233-2CF3-4518-AFD4-4752278F1446 pid:5529 process:mynimx type:Monitor entitlements:0x0 caller:GameController: _GCHIDEventCallback + 86 attributes:(null) inactive:1
default	16:13:40.249825 +0100	mynimx	AggregateDictionary is not supported on this platform
default	16:13:40.494342 +0100	backboardd	Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:0BC10F69-5261-4D9C-8EF8-A5B2DA5BABD2 pid:5530 process:gamecontrollerd type:Monitor entitlements:0x10 caller:GameController: _GCHIDEventCallback + 86 attributes:(null) inactive:1
default	16:13:40.555132 +0100	SpringBoard	SB orientation locked: NO; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: unknown (0) overrides: NO,
default	16:13:40.560452 +0100	SpringBoard	Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x60000150e2b0; casa.capo.mynimx>
default	16:13:40.560729 +0100	SpringBoard	disabling activity
default	16:13:40.568385 +0100	SpringBoard	Deactivating wallpaper orientation source SBUIController
default	16:13:40.568584 +0100	SpringBoard	Enabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction
default	16:13:40.569004 +0100	SpringBoard	Root transaction complete: <SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction: 0x7ff48d07fe20>
error	16:13:40.569877 +0100	SpringBoard	Current Status Bar IOSurafce port is invalid.
default	16:13:40.609234 +0100	SpringBoard	Scene <FBScene: 0x600005b31680; sceneID: casa.capo.mynimx; valid: YES> is setting idleTimerDisabled to: YES
default	16:13:40.609278 +0100	SpringBoard	SBIdleTimerGlobalCoordinator - updateIdleTimerForReason:"IdleTimerDisableChangedForMainDisplaySceneManager"]
default	16:13:40.609818 +0100	mynimx	supported color format RGB888
default	16:13:40.864303 +0100	mynimx	Program linked: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'vPos' not read by fragment shader
default	16:13:41.032543 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701222.4
default	16:13:42.037577 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701223.4
default	16:13:43.044578 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701224.4
default	16:13:43.930227 +0100	assertiond	Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075>
default	16:13:43.930370 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075>
default	16:13:43.930427 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100]
default	16:13:43.930481 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c39190; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:…49085FD56075>
default	16:13:43.930664 +0100	assertiond	-[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x7f9d72c39190>
default	16:13:44.006204 +0100	mynimx	Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/carlo/mynimx/main.nim(3) main
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/private/windows/sdl_window.nim(550) runUntilQuit
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/private/windows/sdl_window.nim(487) nextEvent
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/private/windows/sdl_window.nim(435) handleEvent
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/app.nim(95) handleEvent
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/abstract_window.nim(142) enableAnimation
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/abstract_window.nim(135) animationStateChanged
/Users/carlo/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-0.1/nimx/private/windows/sdl_window.nim(107) animationStateChanged
SIGFPE: Arithmetic error.
default	16:13:44.010191 +0100	backboardd	[BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: (none) (-1)
default	16:13:44.010937 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x100]
error	16:13:44.010975 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] SyscallError: setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 5529, 3): No such process
default	16:13:44.011185 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c35a30; pid: 5325; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.011334 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c1ff80; pid: 5329; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.011400 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c22cb0; pid: 5368; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.012490 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c20ef0; pid: 5369; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.012752 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c1c330; pid: 5329; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.013108 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c4ae00; pid: 5325; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:44.013432 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c176d0; pid: 5325; states: all; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (2)
error	16:13:44.025843 +0100	SpringBoard	HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
default	16:13:44.028770 +0100	backboardd	Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:43E832FD-837C-407D-B7FF-587EA270F927 pid:5529 process:mynimx type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: ___getHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 349 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x7ff9dc506db0 [0x7ff9dc500010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
	0 : <CFString 0x7ff9de0322a0 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb42f5103f93fef7f [0x107c90b68]>{value = +5529, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
	1 : <CFString 0x7ff9dc482f30 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x7ff9dc486370 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "casa.capo.mynimx"}
	2 : <CFString 0x7ff9de01f6e0 [0x107c90b68]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x107c97e60 [0x107c90b68]>{value = false}
error	16:13:44.034064 +0100	backboardd	ImageQueueCollectable client message err=0x10000003
default	16:13:44.035577 +0100	backboardd	Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:7EA85233-2CF3-4518-AFD4-4752278F1446 pid:5529 process:mynimx type:Monitor entitlements:0x0 caller:GameController: _GCHIDEventCallback + 86 attributes:(null) inactive:0
default	16:13:44.057608 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701225.5
default	16:13:44.317854 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Port death watcher fired.
default	16:13:44.320072 +0100	assertiond	Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…11FA797D0CEC>
default	16:13:44.321127 +0100	assertiond	Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x7f9d72c455f0; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:…11FA797D0CEC>
default	16:13:44.321954 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
default	16:13:44.323034 +0100	assertiond	Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x7f9d72c61400; mynimx; casa.capo.mynimx; pid: 5529; agency: SystemApp; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 5325>
default	16:13:44.323851 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Invalidating...
default	16:13:44.344038 +0100	assertiond	Created BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5316:mediaremoted] -> <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c58c00; pid: 5316; states: all; assertions: none>
default	16:13:44.350574 +0100	assertiond	Removed BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5316:mediaremoted] -> <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c58c00; pid: 5316; states: all; assertions: none>
default	16:13:44.485169 +0100	backboardd	CoreAnimation: updates deferred for too long
default	16:13:44.767503 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Got exit context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x7f9d72c600b0; reason: voluntary>
default	16:13:44.769151 +0100	SpringBoard	<FBApplicationProcess: 0x7ff48d0a6f90; mynimx (casa.capo.mynimx); pid: 5529> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x600002801100; reason: voluntary>
default	16:13:44.769261 +0100	SpringBoard	<FBApplicationProcess: 0x7ff48d0a6f90; mynimx (casa.capo.mynimx); pid: 5529> exited voluntarily.
default	16:13:44.769679 +0100	SpringBoard	Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7ff48d0a6f90; mynimx (casa.capo.mynimx); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x6000024659b0; exitReason: voluntary; terminationReason: (none)> {
    stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x600002a169c0; pid: 5529; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default	16:13:44.769824 +0100	SpringBoard	reconfigured lock button: <SBMutableHardwareButtonGestureParameters: 0x600003f50080; maximumPressCount: 2; longPressTimeInterval: 0.40s; multiplePressTimeInterval: 0.40s>
default	16:13:44.770219 +0100	SpringBoard	Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7ff48d0a6f90; mynimx (casa.capo.mynimx); pid: -1>
default	16:13:44.770695 +0100	SpringBoard	Application process state changed for casa.capo.mynimx: (null)
default	16:13:44.773116 +0100	SpringBoard	Running <SBAppExitedWorkspaceTransaction: 0x7ff48b7e3d50> for transition request:
<SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x60000843eb80; display: Main; source: Unspecified> {
    applicationContext = <SBWorkspaceApplicationSceneTransitionContext: 0x600001decc60; background: NO> entities = {
        SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBHomeScreenEntity: 0x600003f50d40; ID: com.apple.SpringBoard.workspace-entity.builtin.home-screen; layoutRole: primary>;
default	16:13:44.773182 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:44.774240 +0100	SpringBoard	-[TTYSettings objectValueForKey:andContext:withClass:andDefaultValue:]:434 Not retrieving setting. Context is wrong
default	16:13:44.774433 +0100	SpringBoard	Activating wallpaper orientation source SBUIController
default	16:13:44.788718 +0100	SpringBoard	Not animating wallpaper orientation to portrait (1) in 0.00 because it's already in that orientation
default	16:13:44.795635 +0100	SpringBoard	Deactivating wallpaper orientation source ActiveOrientation
default	16:13:44.797210 +0100	SpringBoard	Activating wallpaper orientation source SBUIController
default	16:13:44.801395 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Terminating because the job-submitter has disconnected.
default	16:13:44.802427 +0100	sharingd	SystemUI changed: 0x0 -> 0x10
default	16:13:44.811693 +0100	SpringBoard	SB orientation locked: NO; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: unknown (0) overrides: NO,
default	16:13:44.820654 +0100	SpringBoard	removing status bar settings assertion after 6.702349 seconds: <SBAppStatusBarSettingsAssertion: 0x60000249b3f0> {
    settings = <SBAppStatusBarSettings: 0x600002802ef0; alpha: 0.000000; style: 0x0; legibilitySettings: 0x0; styleOverridesToCancel: 0>;
    level = app switcher;
    reason = App Switcher Visible;
default	16:13:44.823462 +0100	SpringBoard	Pop (wasKey=YES, reason=caller requested): <SBMainSwitcherWindow: 0x7ff48b4a6a70>
default	16:13:44.823765 +0100	SpringBoard	Evaluate: making new window key: <SBHomeScreenWindow: 0x7ff48b4da990>, for reason: popped window was key
default	16:13:44.826287 +0100	SpringBoard	Front display did change: (null)
default	16:13:44.826568 +0100	SpringBoard	enabling activity
default	16:13:44.826909 +0100	SpringBoard	activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=
default	16:13:44.794273 +0100	backboardd	Setting minimum brightness level:0 with fade duration 0.4
default	16:13:44.794328 +0100	backboardd	setting CoreBrightness property:DisplayBrightnessFadePeriod to value:0.4
default	16:13:44.794366 +0100	backboardd	setting CoreBrightness property:BrightnessMinPhysicalWithFade to value:0
default	16:13:44.800432 +0100	backboardd	[BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: (none) (-1)
default	16:13:44.834853 +0100	SpringBoard	Root transaction complete: <SBAppExitedWorkspaceTransaction: 0x7ff48b7e3d50>
default	16:13:44.843891 +0100	SpringBoard	[SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x600005b31680; sceneID: casa.capo.mynimx; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
error	16:13:44.849908 +0100	SpringBoard	Current Status Bar IOSurafce port is invalid.
default	16:13:45.058729 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701226.5
default	16:13:45.338774 +0100	assertiond	Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:casa.capo.mynimx[0xc0b2][5331]
default	16:13:45.344257 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:casa.capo.mynimx[0xc0b2][5331]
default	16:13:45.344320 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Invalidation complete.
default	16:13:45.366328 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] Removing client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x7f9d72c35400; pid: 5325>
default	16:13:45.366372 +0100	assertiond	[mynimx:5529] No clients remain.
default	16:13:45.368812 +0100	assertiond	Checking for deferred bootstrap request for casa.capo.mynimx
default	16:13:45.392950 +0100	assertiond	StateServerClient <BKApplicationStateServerClient: 0x7f9d72c59a50; pid: 5325; states: 29; assertions: none> barrier HWM: 1 (1)
default	16:13:45.398374 +0100	assertiond	-[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x7f9d72c455f0>
default	16:13:46.061717 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701227.5
default	16:13:46.077265 +0100	backboardd	touch up event count:2 starting 9.1703s ago lastPID:5325 lastContextID:EECB545E
default	16:13:46.505593 +0100	securityuploadd	supd lives!
default	16:13:47.070929 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701228.5
default	16:13:48.075820 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701229.5
default	16:13:48.489060 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Received message from child simulator on port 13571, so dispatching.
default	16:13:48.556523 +0100	backboardd	Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:0BC10F69-5261-4D9C-8EF8-A5B2DA5BABD2 pid:5530 process:gamecontrollerd type:Monitor entitlements:0x10 caller:GameController: _GCHIDEventCallback + 86 attributes:(null) inactive:0
default	16:13:48.577112 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Updating existing item, 3A435D54-98E7-45E4-BF53-F9F0C075C1DA /(null)
default	16:13:49.080899 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701230.5
default	16:13:50.082768 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701231.5
default	16:13:51.115706 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701232.5
default	16:13:51.521557 +0100	securityuploadd	will exit when clean
default	16:13:52.118801 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701233.5
default	16:13:52.974511 +0100	securityuploadd	supd lives!
default	16:13:53.123897 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701234.5
default	16:13:54.128181 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701235.5
default	16:13:55.132118 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701236.5
default	16:13:56.133128 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701237.5
default	16:13:56.937350 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Received message from child simulator on port 13571, so dispatching.
default	16:13:56.959887 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Updating existing item, 3A435D54-98E7-45E4-BF53-F9F0C075C1DA /(null)
default	16:13:57.138149 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701238.5
default	16:13:57.996637 +0100	securityuploadd	will exit when clean
default	16:13:58.142438 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701239.5
default	16:13:59.145394 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701240.5
error	16:14:00.010482 +0100	SpringBoard	Current Status Bar IOSurafce port is invalid.
default	16:14:00.150602 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701241.5
default	16:14:01.154580 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701242.5
default	16:14:02.156959 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701243.6
default	16:14:02.355550 +0100	securityuploadd	supd lives!
default	16:14:02.921412 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Received message from child simulator on port 13571, so dispatching.
default	16:14:02.942630 +0100	useractivityd	SIMULATOR: Updating existing item, 3A435D54-98E7-45E4-BF53-F9F0C075C1DA /(null)
default	16:14:03.160253 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701244.6
default	16:14:04.165577 +0100	locationd	@ClxSimulated, Fix, 1, ll, 37.7858340, -122.4064170, acc, 5.00, course, -1.0, time, 628701245.6

Fixed by PR #451