yg7001 / gi

A free and open source framework for building useful, fast, and beautiful 2D and 3D GUIs that run on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android with a single pure Go codebase.

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NOTE: GoKi is currently undergoing a period of significant developement to make it easier to make useful, fast, and beautiful apps and support running apps on mobile. As such, some of the information in this repository and on the GoKi website may be incorrect. Furthermore, there may be breaking changes soon, so starting new apps with this framework is not recommended at this time; if you do, please be ready to adjust to any breaking changes. If you want to accelerate the improvement of GoKi, please contribute by following the Contribution Guidelines. Developement of Gi is currently happening on this branch. For the latest stable version of Gi, import version 1.3.19 and see the v1 branch.

GoGi is part of the GoKi Go language (golang) full strength tree structure system (ki = 木 = tree in Japanese)

package gi is a scenegraph-based 2D and 3D GUI / graphics interface (Gi) in Go, that functions similar to HTML / CSS / SVG and Qt.

NOTE: Requires Go version 1.18+ -- now using the new generics.

See the Wiki for more docs (increasingly extensive), Install instructions (mostly basic go build procedure, but does now depend on cgo on all platforms due to glfw, so see details for each platform -- for mac you must now install the Vulkan SDK, and Google Groups goki-gi email list, and the new github Discussions tool.

GoGi uses the GoKi tree infrastructure to implement a scenegraph-based GUI framework in full native idiomatic Go, with minimal OS-specific backend interfaces based originally on the Shiny drivers, now using go-gl/glfw and vulkan-based vgpu, and supporting MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

The overall design integrates existing standards and conventions from widely-used frameworks, including Qt (overall widget design), HTML / CSS (styling), and SVG (rendering). The core Layout object automates most of the complexity associated with GUI construction (including scrolling), so the programmer mainly just needs to add the elements, and set their style properties -- similar to HTML. The main 2D framework also integrates with a 3D scenegraph, supporting interesting combinations of these frameworks (see gi3d package and examples/gi3d). Currently GoGi is focused on desktop systems, but nothing should prevent adaptation to mobile.

See Gide for a complete, complex application written in GoGi (an IDE), and likewise the Emergent neural network simulation environment (the prime motivator for the whole project), along with the various examples in this repository for lots of useful demonstrations -- start with the Widgets example which has a bit of a tutorial introduction.

Main Features

  • Has all the standard widgets: Button, Menu, Slider, TextField, SpinBox, ComboBox etc, with tooltips, hover, focus, copy / paste (full native clipboard support), drag-n-drop -- the full set of standard GUI functionality. See gi/examples/widgets for a demo of all the widgets.

  • Layout auto-organizes and auto-sizes everything to configure interfaces that "just work" across different scales, resolutions, platforms. Automatically remembers and reinstates window positions and sizes across sessions, and supports standard Ctrl+ and Ctrl- zooming of display scale.

  • CSS-based styling allows customization of everything -- native style properties are HTML compatible (with all standard em, px, pct etc units), including HTML "rich text" styling for all text rendering (e.g., in Label widget) -- can decorate any text with inline tags (<strong>, <em> etc), and even include links. Styling is now separated out into gist package, for easier navigation.

  • Compiles in seconds, compared to many minutes to hours for comparable alternatives such as Qt, and with minimal cgo dependency. As of April 2019 we now depend on the glfw cross-platform GUI infrastructure system, and as of May 2022 vulkan provides all the rendering (2D via vdraw, 3D via vphong): vgpu.

  • Fully self-contained -- does not use OS-specific native widgets -- results in simpler, consistent code across platforms, and is HiDPI capable and scalable using standard Ctrl/Cmd+Plus or Minus key, and in Preferences. This also allows a complete 2D GUI to be embedded into a 3D scene, for example.

  • SVG element (in svg sub-package) supports SVG rendering -- used for Icons internally and available for advanced graphics displays -- see gi/examples/svg for viewer and start on editor, along with a number of test .svg files.

  • Model / View paradigm with reflection-based view elements that display and manipulate all the standard Go types (in giv sub-package), from individual types (e.g., int, float display in a SpinBox, "enum" const int types in a ComboBox chooser) to composite data structures, including StructView editor of struct fields, MapView and SliceView displays of map and slice elements (including full editing / adding / deleting of elements), and full-featured TableView for a slice-of-struct and TreeView for GoKi trees.

    • TreeView enables a built-in GUI editor / inspector for designing gui elements themselves. Just press Control+Alt+I in any window to pull up this editor / inspector. Scene graphs can be automatically saved / loaded from JSON files, to provide a basic GUI designer framework -- just load and add appropriate connections..
  • GoGi is a "standard" retained-mode (scenegraph-based) GUI, as compared to immediate-mode GUIs such as Gio. As such, GoGi automatically takes care of everything for you, but as a result you sacrifice control over every last detail. Immediate mode gives you full control, but also the full burden of control -- you have to code every last behavior yourself. In GoGi, you have extensive control through styling and closure-based "callback" methods, in the same way you would in a standard front-end web application (so it will likely be more familiar to many users), but if you want to do something very different, you will likely need to code a new type of Widget, which can be more difficult as then you need to know more about the overall infrastructure. Thus, if you are likely to be doing fairly standard things and don't feel the need for absolute control, GoGi will likely be an easier experience.

Screenshot of Widgets demo

Screenshot of Gi3D demo

Screenshot of GiEditor, Dark mode

Code Overview

There are three main types of 2D nodes:

  • Viewport nodes that manage their own image.RGBA bitmap and can upload that directly to the goosi.Texture (GPU based) that then uploads directly to the goosi.Window. The parent Window has a master Viewport that backs the entire window, and is what most Widget's render into.

    • Popup Dialog and Menu's have their own viewports that are layered on top of the main window viewport.
    • SVG and its subclass Icon are containers for SVG-rendering nodes.
  • Widget nodes that use the full CSS-based styling (e.g., the Box model etc), are typically placed within a Layout -- they use units system with arbitrary DPI to transform sizes into actual rendered dots (term for actual raw resolution-dependent pixels -- "pixel" has been effectively co-opted as a 96dpi display-independent unit at this point). Widgets have non-overlapping bounding boxes (BBox -- cached for all relevant reference frames).

  • SVG rendering nodes that directly set properties on the girl.Paint object and typically have their own geometry etc -- they should be within a parent SVG viewport, and their geom units are determined entirely by the transforms etc and we do not support any further unit specification -- just raw float values.

General Widget method conventions:

  • SetValue kinds of methods are wrapped in UpdateStart / End, but do NOT emit a signal.
  • SetValueAction calls SetValue and emits the signal. This allows other users of the widget that also recv the signal to not trigger themselves, but typically you want the update, so it makes sense to have that in the basic version. ValueView in particular requires this kind of behavior.

The best way to see how the system works are in the examples directory, and by interactively modifying any existing gui using the interactive reflective editor via Control+Alt+I.


The oswin and oswin/driver/vkos packages provide interface abstractions for hardware-level implementations, now using vgpu and glfw (version 3.3) provides the basic platform-specific details along with a few other bits of platform-specific code.

All of the main "front end" code just deals with image.RGBA through the girl rendering library, using girl.Paint methods, which was adapted from fogleman/gg, and we use srwiley/rasterx for CPU-based rasterization to the image, which is fast and SVG performant. The vgpu/vdraw package performs optimized GPU texture-based compositing to assemble the final display in a way that minimizes the copying of image data up to the GPU, and supports overlays such as popups and sprites. Any 3D scene elements are accessed directly within the GPU.

Status / News

  • Version 1.3 released May, 2022, uses the new vulkan based vgpu rendering framework.

  • Version 1.2 released Feb, 2021, had lots of bug fixes.

  • Version 1.1 released Nov, 2020, has the styling parameters and code broken out in the gist style package, and basic rendering code, including a complete text layout and rendering system, in the girl render library.

  • Version 1.0 released April, 2020! The 3D gi3d component is ready for use, and the code has been widely tested by students and researchers, including extensive testing under gide. The API will remain stable at this point.

  • Active users should join Google Groups goki-gi emailing list to receive more detailed status updates.

  • Please file Issues for anything that does not work.

  • 3/2019: python wrapper is now available! you can do most of GoGi from python now. See README.md file there for more details.

Detailed Render Logic

Rendering is done in 5 separate passes:

  1. Config: In a MeFirst downward pass, Viewport pointer is set, styles are initialized, and any other widget-specific init is done.

  2. SetStyle: In a MeFirst downward pass, all properties are cached out in an inherited manner, and incorporating any css styles, into either the Paint (SVG) or Style (Widget) object for each Node. Only done once after structural changes -- styles are not for dynamic changes.

  3. GetSize: MeLast downward pass, each node first calls g.Layout.Reset(), then sets their LayoutSize according to their own intrinsic size parameters, and/or those of its children if it is a Layout.

  4. DoLayout: MeFirst downward pass (each node calls on its children at appropriate point) with relevant parent BBox that the children are constrained to render within -- they then intersect this BBox with their own BBox (from BBox2D) -- typically just call DoLayoutBase for default behavior -- and add parent position to AllocPos. Layout does all its sizing and positioning of children in this pass, based on the GetSize data gathered bottom-up and constraints applied top-down from higher levels. Typically only a single iteration is required but multiple are supported (needed for word-wrapped text or flow layouts).

  5. Render: Final rendering pass, each node is fully responsible for rendering its own children, to provide maximum flexibility (see RenderChildren) -- bracket the render calls in PushBounds / PopBounds and a false from PushBounds indicates that VpBBox is empty and no rendering should occur. Nodes typically connect / disconnect to receive events from the window based on this visibility here.

    • Move2D: optional pass invoked by scrollbars to move elements relative to their previously-assigned positions.

    • SVG nodes skip the Size and Layout passes, and render directly into parent SVG viewport

v2 Rewrite TODO / Discussion


  • search for Cursor and fix everywhere with new cursors

  • Get rid of extra UpdateStart / End in Config* calls -- all are wrapped in outer Config so unnec.

  • get rid of all the extra Config calls in SetStyle and Render!

  • fix all Set.., ...Action state-changing methods to detect whether Config, layout, or just render is needed.

  • in general, "SetNeedsFullReRender" -> SetNeedsLayout(vp, updt) or true

  • TextField:KeyChord -- need dialog! should have a better mech for this.

Window is not a Ki

  • contains a stack of Viewports, the first of which is the main window, rest are popups.

Viewport is not a Ki, is the base struct for each separate tree

  • Viewport represents: main window and each popup -> window, tooltip, dialog, etc.

  • Viewport has a Frame field which is the base of each tree

  • is passed as arg, not stored on obj: all methods take the viewport!

  • so much cleaner vs. mutexes, safe finding, etc.

Init2D -> Config

  • ConfigAll called during window Show, but otherwise not called!
  • manually call Config on individual elements if properties change.

Style2D -> SetStyle

  • called automatically for any state change

  • Widget SetState method is called with bitflag to set: checks if state is not yet set: if so, sets flag, calls SetStyle() wrapped in UpdateStart / End.

Robust updating logic redo

See render.go for updated version:

  • Config calls SetStyle, within an overall Update Start / End block

  • ki.UpdateEnd() in Config or SetStyle calls SetRender method, which sets flag in node (all below it will be rendered) and a NeedsRender flag on the Viewport (need the viewport for this -- cache in Config, only use for setting this one flag!).

  • Window iterates through Viewports on a timer loop, and checks if any have VpNeedsRender flag set, and not VpIsRendering flag -- calls RenderAll on them, passing viewport down. first step is to clear VpNeedsRender flag so any further updates can register need, and each node's NeedsRender flag is cleared after rendering starts. Better to err on side of extra rendering.

  • If Config modifies the tree, then FullRender is needed: GetSize, DoLayout, then Render

  • If State changes, Style then Render needs to be called..


A free and open source framework for building useful, fast, and beautiful 2D and 3D GUIs that run on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android with a single pure Go codebase.


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Go 99.8%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:HTML 0.0%