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implicit_clone does not play nice with indexmap 2.26

diliop opened this issue · comments

If yew's indexmap dependency is upgraded to 2.2.6 the following error can be seen when building:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<_, _>: From<IndexMap<K, V>>` is not satisfied
   --> packages/yew/src/html/conversion/
277 |         IMap::from(self)
    |         ^^^^ the trait `From<IndexMap<K, V>>` is not implemented for `implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<_, _>`
    = help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`:
              <implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<K, V> as From<indexmap::map::IndexMap<K, V>>>
              <implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<K, V> as From<std::rc::Rc<indexmap::map::IndexMap<K, V>>>>
              <implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<K, V> as From<&'static [(K, V)]>>
              <implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<K, V> as From<&implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<K, V>>>

I see that From<IndexMap<K, V>> is implemented here so I'm definitely misunderstanding something. Any pointers appreciated!

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Update packages/yew/Cargo.toml to:
diff --git a/packages/yew/Cargo.toml b/packages/yew/Cargo.toml
index 27c6c545..4dc03941 100644
--- a/packages/yew/Cargo.toml
+++ b/packages/yew/Cargo.toml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ rust-version = "1.64.0"
 console_error_panic_hook = "0.1"
 gloo = "0.10"
-indexmap = { version = "2", features = ["std"] }
+indexmap = { version = "2.2.6", features = ["std"] }
 js-sys = "0.3"
 slab = "0.4"
 wasm-bindgen = "0.2"
  1. Run cargo build

Expected behavior
cargo build is successful


  • Yew version: master
  • Rust version: 1.77.0


  • I'm interested in fixing this myself but don't know where to start
  • I would like to fix and I have a solution
  • I don't have time to fix this right now, but maybe later

I get that problem from time to time, executing a cargo update will fix it. No idea why.

I get that problem from time to time, executing a cargo update will fix it. No idea why.

If cargo update fixes it then the reason for this error is that implicit_clone's dependency in the lockfile isn't updated when you modify the Cargo.toml. You have to tell cargo to update indexmap everywhere

Yes, I have a crate that depends on indexmap, it is shared by both frontend and backend. Doing a cargo update for frontend after cargo update for backend will prevent the problem.

Thanks for the suggestions, that fixed it!