yeoman / yeoman-app

A desktop app that scaffolds projects using Yeoman

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Convert existing components to ES6 classes

mawie81 opened this issue · comments


I just found out that there is alreay one component ( using ES6 classes while others don´t.

So I just went ahead and converted the AppWindow and one React component to ES6.
This work out fine with one tiny problem: The tests break :-(
I think this is because they just use jasmine which doesn´t like ES6.

The question now is: should the app be converted to ES6 and if so how to tackle the tests?

should the app be converted to ES6

@mawie81 the answer is YES, the plan is to convert the entire app to ES6.

For the sake of getting easier/faster to merge PRs please don't submit a single PR converting everything at once, let's do it a couple of classes at time (it seems to be your approach but I just want to make it clear for other people that might want to jump in).

and if so how to tackle the tests

@stefanbuck do you have a better idea on how to handle that?

I didn't know that Jasmine doesn't work with ES2015, that's bad. Personally I like Mocha but I think it's time to give Jest a try. Has somebody experience with it?

@mfunkie converted the react components while working on implementing redux: #76

We still need to tackle the tests but let's focus on tracking the progress on #14