ydjune / cs252-lab6

Android VOIP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Steps to set up dev environment

1. Create a github account and upload your public key
   Goto github.com/jtbates/cs252-lab6 and click watch.  I will add you as a 
2. Install Android SDK and the ADT Plugin in Eclipse.
3. Install EGit in Eclipse (http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates)
4. Clone the repo in your Eclipse workspace directory
   git clone git@github.com:jtbates/cs252-lab6.git lab6
   Add a .gitignore file with:
5. In Eclipse, go to Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace and 
   select the lab6 folder (you might need to run Clean... to get it to build)
6. Go to the Git Repository Exploring perspective and add your local repository

In Eclipse, right click the project and go to Team -> to access the Git 
commands.  Commit saves your changes to your local repository, push to 
upstream sends your patches to the main repo on Github (similar to svn 
commit), fetch from upstream updates your local repo to the newest version 
from the main repo (similar to svn update).

If you want to access Github Issues in Eclipse, install Mylyn and the Github Mylyn Connector.  Their site-urls are:


Android VOIP