yassilah / laravel-nova-nested-form

This package allows you to include your nested relationships' forms into a parent form.

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Nested form not working for MorphTo Relation

jahid56 opened this issue · comments

My Nested form not working for MorphTo Relation
Here is my Model
class Profile extends Model

public function address()
    return $this->morphOne(Address::class, 'addressable');


class Address extends Model

public function addressable()
    return $this->morphTo();


and My Nova File Is for Profile.php
`public function fields(Request $request)
return [

        Text::make('Company Name', 'company_name')
            ->rules('nullable', 'max:100'),


and For Address.php
`public function fields(Request $request)
return [

        Place::make('Address', 'street')
            ->rules('required', 'max:255'),

            ->rules('nullable', 'max:50'),

            ->rules('nullable', 'max:50'),

        Text::make('Postal Code')
            ->rules('required', 'max:15'),

               ->rules('required', 'max:50'),

        MorphTo::make('Profile', 'addressable'),

But it throws error
A field defining the inverse relationship needs to be set on your related resource (e.g. MorphTo, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany...)

The same Error is given in the project

@yassilah sir

Laravel Nova Display error
A field defining the inverse relationship needs to be set on your related resource (e.g. MorphTo, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany...)
In Ajax Form Given Error

exception: "Exception"
file: "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/green-planet-admin/vendor/yassi/nova-nested-form/src/NestedForm.php"
line: 395
message: "A field defining the inverse relationship needs to be set on your related resource (e.g. MorphTo, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany...)"
trace: [{,…},…]