yassilah / laravel-nova-nested-form

This package allows you to include your nested relationships' forms into a parent form.

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Nested Form Not Working In Version 3

jahid56 opened this issue · comments

I have been install Version 3 nested form, But My Nested form is not showing. Also there occur some error, Here is my code
NestedForm::make('Order Items')->min(3)->max(5),
It throws error message
message: "syntax error, unexpected ')'",…} exception: "Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError" file: "E:\xampp\htdocs\laravelnova\vendor\yassi\nova-nested-form\src\NestedForm.php" line: 560 message: "syntax error, unexpected ')'"

Could not find where the issue is

Same issue here, with Nova v2.1.1 and Laravel v5.8.