annotated tabs not generated with small pcb
Nightreaver opened this issue · comments
- I have read FAQ
- I have searched existing issues (including closed ones)
- I use KiKit at least version 1.6.0 (older version are not supported)
KiKit version
KiCAD version
Operating system
Windows 10
I been trying to make a small round shaped pcb and I put a single tab footprint on one side.
Then I tried to use this tab with several frames/rails, but all of them fail to generate
Railstb (at least seem to connect but missing mousebites):
I dont get any error messages tho.
generated the board with couple of setting through json kikit panelize -p panel-config.json motor_pcb.kicad_pcb panel.kicad_pcb
// There can be C-like comments
"layout": {
"type": "grid",
"rows": 2,
"cols": 4,
"hspace": "2mm",
"vspace": "2mm",
"rotation": "180deg",
"alternation": "rows",
"renamenet": "Board_{n}-{orig}",
"renameref": "{orig}",
"tabs": {
"type": "annotation",
"cuts": {
"type": "mousebites",
"drill": "0.5mm",
"spacing": "0.8mm",
"prolong": "0.5mm",
"offset": "-0.2mm"
"framing": {
"type": "frame",
"width": "3mm",
"space": "2mm",
"text": {
"type": "simple",
"anchor": "mb",
"voffset": "-1.5mm",
"hjustify": "center",
"vjustify": "center",
"height": "1.5mm",
"layer": "F_SilkS",
"post": {
"type": "auto",
"millradius": "0mm",
"copperfill": false
Your tab symbol is called Library:Tab
. However, KiKit recognizes only KiKit:Tab
as a tab symbol. You are not using the KiKit's library. Hence, no tabs are rendered.
If you have a good reason for not using the official library, you can specify tab footprint name via tabfootprints: Library:Tab
in the tabs section. With this change or using the KiKit's library you get the expected result:
Thats an easy fix! thanks a lot