yaqwsx / KiKit

Automation tools for KiCAD

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Malformed outline on panel

bobatsar opened this issue · comments


  • I have read FAQ
  • I have searched existing issues (including closed ones)
  • I use KiKit at least version 1.6.0 (older version are not supported)

KiKit version

kikit, version 1.6.0+7.g309b937

KiCAD version


Operating system

Ubuntu 24.04


A outline imported from dxf files is unfortunately malformed in the resulting panel.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-11 10-36-18

The input outlines render normally in the PCB-3D viewer (correct closed outline for KiCad).

but the resulting panel is messed up.
Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-11 11-04-48

Steps to Reproduce

Use the example pcbs in


and run e.g.

kikit panelize \
    --layout 'grid; rows: 2; cols: 2;' \
    --tabs full \
    --cuts vcuts \
    test_outline.kicad_pcb panel_outline.kicad_pcb

@yaqwsx is there more input required to handle this case? Can I provide more data for debugging or can you help me debug this myself?

It would be very helpful for us to fix this bug.

I can confirm it is the same issue as #750. It is a bug in the full tabs generator. Similarly to the author of #750, I believe you don't don't to actually use the full tabs (as they would completely cover the shape of your PCB). Use fixed or annotation tabs instead.

it seems that the full tab generator works when the tab side is a plain line.
If you can't find a clever solution with the script (which is obviously to prefer), it would be good to output a warning message.