yangshun / tech-interview-handbook

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[RFC] Technical Handbook Offers Repo

BryannYeap opened this issue Β· comments

Hi all πŸ˜„ We are a group of 4 Singaporean students working on a tech offers portal for the Tech Interview Handbook Platform project.

The portal will be an extension of the Tech Interview Handbook (TIH). It will allow job hunters in the tech industry (including SWEs, UI/UX designers, Project Managers, etc) to submit job offer(s), along with some background information. As such, the submitted offer(s) will not simply be interpreted in isolation, but instead will have some accompanying context that gives insight on the offer(s), which is something that no other platforms have done before.

Our proposed features will be shown below, so do feel free to share any feedback or comments on how to improve this portal.

For our tech offers portal, these are our 3 main features:

  • Homepage: Displays an easy-to-use, sharable table of detailed offer information.
    • Emphasis placed on:
      • Locality
      • Recency (can be filtered)
      • Background / Negotiation info included in the offer info
      • Role specificity (can be filtered by FE, BE, Full Stack)

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  • Offer Submission + Active Recommendations from System: Users are able to submit their offers and receive an active evaluation by our "Offer evaluation engine" which provides them with recommendations + related offers.
    • Offer Submission: Allow submission of multiple offers in 1 go
      • TC Breakdown - Salary, Bonus, Stocks
      • Background information to give context behind the offers

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  • Offer Profile: Upon submission of offers, users will receive and anonymised editable Offer Profile which they can share to the community with questions / polls. The community will be able to access these publicised Offer Profiles from a dedicated page not shown below.
    • Shareable: Users can easily share this profile on other forums / channels for others to comment.
    • Polls / Discussion: If users share the profile to the community, it allows others to answer any questions they have regarding the offers, which can help them with, say deciding between offers for example.

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Additionally, we have a potential 4th feature that we are possibly adding as well, which is a company offers page.

  • Company Offers Page: Displays the distribution of offer packages from the company, including key percentiles.
    • The offers will be detailed, similar to the homepage, but specific to the company.
    • Can filter information by recency, tech roles, YOE, etc

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