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Checklist in place of Bullet Points

nishitmehta1 opened this issue · comments

I think using a checklist to display all the weekly problems would be more helpful. The user can mark the problems which he/she already knows.

I don't have the bandwidth to build a progress checklist feature into the website although it's possible to add it. Would you like to try? 😄

Anyhow, I think users can copy and paste the list to GitHub gists where checkboxes have been implemented.

I think just a frontend checklist would also suffice. If the tab is closed, the data is lost. May sound stupid, but most of them just keep the tab open.

Would require more work than just editing the markdown. I can render the checklist by using the markdown syntax but it won't be interactive.

This is better as a LeetCode list. I've created it here - https://leetcode.com/list/xi4ci4ig/