yandex / mapsapi-ios

Allows to easily add Yandex.Maps to your existing iOS project using Yandex.Maps JavaScript API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No map is shown

AlexanderZubkov opened this issue · comments

2016-11-23 14:30:55.538371 MapsAPI_Example[1896:795977] ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url=''

No on scheme type, but I do on a satellite or hybrid type.

Thanks, we'll fix it soon


any news?!

I've the same problem... 👀

Possibly the problem is in Application Transport Security. Please, try one of approaches from this thread:
Make sure to apply it for all (*) domains or for including subdomains.

No, there is a problem with WKWebview and cache folder.

Application Transport Security was the first thing which I thought about, and it is not helped.
Changing allow-navigation tag at config.xml fixed the Internal navigation rejected error.
And, finally, changing the cache folder path just fixed the problem.

Thank you, @Ajaxy and @Shmatlay !