yaminncco / vue-sidebar-menu

A Vue.js Sidebar Menu Component

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Menu stopped working after recent update

eXCom opened this issue · comments


My menu was working and after certain update(from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1) not long ago now when im clicking on a menu option to display sub options its opening and immediately closing. Any ideas why is this happening ?

can you provide more details?


There's no warnings or errors in console. I dont know, should i record a video to show how its "opening and closing" ?

More details on how you're using the sidebar so that I'll be able to reproduce the issue


Finally i found the problem, by clicking on the menu option there was a page reload, was typically working as a link

<sidebar-menu :menu="menuFormed" :collapsed="collapsed" :link-component-name="'custom-link'"/>

because of this :link-component-name="'custom-link'" it was reloading the page
so i removed it and now its working properly again, tho i dont remember when and why it was added there, is it something custom or its part of the component ? i checked props in the sidebar-menu component, theres no such prop found


but now im back to the old problem #199


this is my menu declaration in layout template

<sidebar-menu :menu="menuFormed" :collapsed="collapsed" :link-component-name="'custom-link'"/>

the script

    import BreezeApplicationLogo from '@/Components/ApplicationLogo'
    import BreezeDropdown from '@/Components/Dropdown'
    import BreezeDropdownLink from '@/Components/DropdownLink'
    import BreezeNavLink from '@/Components/NavLink'
    import BreezeResponsiveNavLink from '@/Components/ResponsiveNavLink'
    import Dropdown from '@/Components/Dropdown'

    export default {
        components: {

        props: {
            tree: Object,
            team: Object,
            treeForMenu: Object,

        data() {
            return {
                showingNavigationDropdown: false,
                menu: [
                        header: 'Main Navigation',
                        hiddenOnCollapse: true
                        href: '/dashboard',
                        title: 'Dashboard',
                        icon: 'fa fa-user'
                        href: '/dashboard/team/select',
                        title: 'Select Team',
                        icon: 'fa fa-user-friends'
                collapsed: false,
        methods: {

        computed: {
            menuFormed() {
                let result = this.menu;

                if(this.$page.props.treeForMenu !== undefined){
                    result = this.menu.concat({header: this.$page.props.team.name, hiddenOnCollapse: true}, this.$page.props.treeForMenu); // adding team folders menu

                return result;


some menu options are static, but some depend on the user data, they are coming from the backend, thats why im using concat in a computed property, menu options also depends on which page user is located

Code seems fine to me, I'm not sure what you did fix or what the issue right now but with inertia you need to use link-component-name prop.
and are you using persistent layouts in inertia? so the sidebar maintain its state when navigating between pages


So im choosing between

  1. menu not working properly when im adding link-component-name prop
  2. menu working when im removing link-component-name prop but im having tons of warnings in console

-yes, im using persistent layouts


I am facing the same issue in my Vue3 project. I am doing anything wrong here?

Closing outdated issue