yamafaktory / jql

A JSON Query Language CLI tool

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tried using jql

PythonCoderUnicorn opened this issue · comments


I used brew install and have a sample.json file inside my folder directory. I was trying the commands as shown on the README, but could not get any data returned or get "unable to parse input".


  "employee": {
    "age": "30",
    "city":"New York"
  "boss" : {
    "name": "boss person",
    "role": "regional supervisor"
  "stuff" : {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3


the commands i tried:

  • jql "boss" sample.json among variations
  • jql "stuff{'a'}" sample.json
  • jql employee -s -r sample.json
  • jsql "employee['city']" -s -r sample.json
    all of these return "unable to parse"

what am i doing wrong here?

Hi @PythonCoderUnicorn,

You're almost there, it's just a matter of single / double quotes usage. Basically jql is very strict about JSON keys and always needs key selectors to be double-quoted (https://github.com/yamafaktory/jql?tab=readme-ov-file#%EF%B8%8F-usage).

In your examples, it should like:

jql '"boss"' sample.json 
  "name": "boss person",
  "role": "regional supervisor"
jql '"stuff""a"' sample.json 

Please notice that in the last example, there's no need to have a . between keys.

Then using the -s flag is not really useful here since it's basically continuously reading the any command you would pipe in like docker logs with the --follow flag (https://github.com/yamafaktory/jql?tab=readme-ov-file#read-a-stream-of-json-data-line-by-line).

Finally the -r flag is only useful if you pick a string primitive via your selectors and want to strip the double quotes (https://github.com/yamafaktory/jql?tab=readme-ov-file#write-to-stdout-without-json-double-quotes).

I hope that it will help :) .

Thank you for your reply. I ran your examples and it worked. 🎉
Thanks for the tool.

Glad it helped!

Closing the issue then.