yajra / laravel-datatables

jQuery DataTables API for Laravel

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line break in laravel datatables column

DaveMolla opened this issue · comments

Summary of problem or feature request

there are two datas that are fetched from the database, and they are being displayed side by side i want to display them above and below in that same column i have tried using
, \n and others but it is not working it just displays the tags

what i want is in the fixture_id column i want to display the localTeam and visitorTeam above and below

Code snippet of problem

public function dataTable($query)

     $dataTable = new EloquentDataTable($query);
     return $dataTable->addColumn('action', 'statistics.datatables_actions')
         ->editColumn('player_one_id', fn ($model) => $model->playerOne?->first_name['english'])
         ->editColumn('fixture_id', fn ($model) => $model->fixture->localTeam->team_name['english'].' Vs '.$model->fixture- >visitorTeam->team_name['english'])
         ->editColumn('player_two_id', fn ($model) => $model->playerTwo?->first_name['english'])
         ->editColumn('moment', fn ($model) => $model->action['english'])
         ->editColumn('action_time', fn ($model) => date('d-m-Y H:i:s', strtotime($model->action_time)));

System details

  • Operating System:- ubuntu 23.04
  • PHP Version:- 8.1
  • Laravel Version:- 9.52
  • Laravel-Datatables Version

You have to use <br> as a line-break and add the column into ->rawColumns(['fixture_id']) so it doesn't get escaped.

You can also use the nl2br function as needed.