yairm210 / Unciv

Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V

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Feature request: Allow to extend workable tiles of a city through a modifier or tile improvement

WushingPongPung opened this issue · comments

Before creating

  • This is NOT a gameplay feature from Civ VI, BNW, or outside - see Roadmap
  • This is NOT a gameplay feature from Vanilla Civ V or from G&K - If so, it should be a comment in #4697

Problem Description

I have been trying to make a nomad civilization, but I have found no way extend a city's reach and work tiles outside the 3 tiles limit. I have tried the tile improvement modifier that works a tile without an assigned population but it doesn't also work. I also tried to look if enclaves or outposts disconnected from cities could be done, but I also haven't found any way to do so.

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Desired Solution

I hope that there can be some uniques, either a city, nation, or any other unique really that allows for a city or capital to extend it's workable tiles. Alternatively, maybe there could be a way to achieve this working of tiles outside the 3 tile limit through specific tile improvements that can truly be worked without an assigned population EVEN without being inside the 3 tile limit of a city.

Alternative Approaches

Another more complicated approach I think, but will open up a lot more possibilities for modding is to allow enclaves or outposts, that is allowing to claim tiles disconnected from city tiles but still allowing pops to work tiles inside it, or to claim lands similar to a citadel of a great general and work tiles it is built on or the tiles around it.

There is the question of where exactly would the enclave or outpost's output go to? Maybe this could be achieved through somehow linking a unit that is responsible for the creating the tile improvement to a city or link the tile improvement itself to a city, or just send the resources to the nearest city the outpost is to.

Although actually I think it will just be easier to just allow cities to exchange ownership or workability of a tile through the city menu and clicking on the tile to unassign and assign it to another city. As to what happens to the outpost when the civ that had it is destroyed is something I am not too sure yet.

Additional Context

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A simple global setting that can be changed by mods would be best I think. We might have too much code depending on the distance in which tiles are workable to allow for cities to dynamically change their work radius.

Either way this would take a decent effort to implement and test.

Even in Civ5 that was a global xml thing: modiki.civfanatics.com/index.php?title=Civ5_GlobalDefines, "MIN_CITY_RANGE". I think I started a branch long ago that ModConstant'ed these. Turned out far more than "decent effort" iirc. No, not #9700 - though that one shows one or two things that would need to adapt but won't automatically... Must have been before 2022.

This sounds like a classic modding request - #3242