yahoo / serialize-javascript

Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions.

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what is the "JavaScript line terminators"?

lewis617 opened this issue · comments

what is the "JavaScript line terminators"?

JavaScript has line terminator characters which imply the end of a statement and cause automatic semicolon insertion (ASI). This is a potential attach vector as it can cause a script to be terminated early and malicious code to be injected. Therefore, this lib will escape JavaScript line terminators in data strings which will cause the premature end of a statement.

I tried seeing what JSON.stringify did with them, but it seems to ignore them?

> q="1\n2\r3\u20284\u20295\u0027"
> JSON.stringify(q)

Is replacing line terminators necessary when escaping JSON?

@wmertens it does not ignore them:

<Buffer 31 0a 32 0d 33 e2 80 a8 34 e2 80 a9 35 27>

<Buffer 22 31 5c 6e 32 5c 72 33 e2 80 a8 34 e2 80 a9 35 27 22>

@mifi I don't understand? You showed that the hex representation is exactly the string representation I showed above.

Re-reading the issue I should check if the JSON-stringified string results in line breaks when used in a script tag in HTML. Will the JS engine terminate the string early? Given that double quotes can't span across lines, it seems likely.

I lined up the non-json-encoded (1), json encoded (2) and ascii representation of the json encoded (3)

1:        31   0a      32   0d      33   e2 80 a8   34   e2 80 a9   35   27

2:    22  31   5c 6e   32   5c 72   33   e2 80 a8   34   e2 80 a9   35   27      22

3:    "   1    \  n    2    \  r    3    \u2028     4    \u2029     5    \u0027  "

Doesn't the e2 80 a8 and e2 80 a9 get passed right thru?

Yes indeed, so stringify ignores them and passes then right through :)

I didn't understand why that was a problem back then, but now I do.

I forgot about this, I need to handle this in jsurl2. Thanks for reminding me!

ah i thought by "ignored" you meant that they are stripped away, because in your example they apparently disappeared (invisible chars). very sneaky all these hidden characters 👻

Oh and already handles it, I forgot I added that 😅