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React.createClass deprecated on React 15.5.0 and above

J-Dickson opened this issue · comments

Information about the Issue

React.createClass is deprecated in React 15.5.0, therefore the React.createClass in NavLink causes a deprecation warning for any users on this version of React.

This will become a breaking change in React 16.0.0.

Are there plans to make this change in the project?


Thanks for the report. We need to migrate all the code to es6 classes but that will take time if the components use mixins. In the meantime, we can use their new react-create-class package to remove the spam.

Hi, thanks for your reply. Would you like me to do a PR? @redonkulus

Sure thing. Along with fluxible-router, we will need fluxible-addons-react updated as well if you can do that too.

Here is the PR: #530

Closed via #530

@J-Dickson fluxible-router@1.1.0 and fluxible-addons-react@0.2.10 published with these changes. Thanks!