yafp / ttth

ttth (talk to the hand) is an electron based desktop app for online services like WhatsApp, Threema, Telegram, Twitter, Google and several others.

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Updating AppBadge seems to break with twitter on macOS because inject code is returning NaN

plugandplay opened this issue · comments


When I try to set up my Twitter account, ttth displays this error in a loop as soon as I am logged in.

TypeError: Error processing argument at index 0, conversion failure from null
    at App.setBadgeCount (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:6976:31)
    at IpcMain.<anonymous> (/Applications/ttth.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/main.js:641:47)
    at IpcMain.emit (events.js:203:13)
    at IpcMain.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:476:20)
    at WebContents.<anonymous> (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:3849:15)
    at WebContents.emit (events.js:203:13)
    at WebContents.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:476:20)
    at WebContents.emitter.emit (/Applications/ttth.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@sentry/electron/dist/main/integrations/electron.js:55:20)
    at WebContents.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:131:23)


ttth 1.8.20200228
Electron 7.1.11
darwin 18.7.0
Locale: fr

Thank you very much for your first issue to this project. It is much appreciated.


thanks for the issue/report.
to be honest - i am not using twitter myself in ttth.
I'll take a look into it tomorrow and see if i can reproduce your issue.

Am i guessing right that the error is displayed after finishing the service configuration?

After finishing the service configuration, I was able to see the Twitter login page.
The bug occurred right after I filled the login form.


i just set up a twitter service on my developing machine (linux).
On the first look it works as expected.
I can login without issues or error messages.

What i do notice here is that the inject code which is used to detect unread messages seems to fail.
This means there is a green Badge showing "NaN" in the service tab.
But this is not related with your problem - more a general problem with the inject code.

But in general it just works.

Some questions

  • Regarding service url: did you change the service url in the service configuration window? By default it is set to https://mobile.twitter.com
  • Regarding os: your issue is tagged as darwin 18.7. Is that a current macOS?

What might be helpful is:

  • start ttth and remove the service
  • close ttth
  • start ttth and press F12 (or by Menu -> Help -> Console -> Console) to open the dev console. (shows logging)
  • switch to the settings tab and re-add the twitter service
  • paste the content of the dev console here.



non-problem related - but as i am curious:
are you using any other services? If so - do they work as expected and how is your experience in general with ttth?

Well, the error is displayed in loop as soon as I restarted ttth. It has been difficult to remove the Twitter service.

To answer your questions:

  • I didn't change the service URL, or anything else.
  • My OS is macOS Mojave (Version 10.14.6).
  • Before I tried the Twitter service, I have set up WhatsApp without any problem.
    After removing the Twitter service, I still don't have a problem with WhatsApp.
    I started using ttth yesterday so I am not an experienced user yet. I really like the idea of a FOSS app to replace those of many vendors.

Here are the console logs with errors after I add the Twitter service again:

/Applications/ttth.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@sentry/utils/dist/instrument.js:104 08:43:25.531 › [ Renderer ] updateServiceBadge ::: New unread count for service _twitter_j9Dfgb5D5AdIK5CMnzhSFhw7_ is: _NaN_.

/Applications/ttth.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@sentry/utils/dist/instrument.js:104 08:43:25.533 › [ Renderer ] updateTrayIconStatus ::: Unread messages count of _twitter_j9Dfgb5D5AdIK5CMnzhSFhw7_ is: NaN

/Applications/ttth.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@sentry/utils/dist/instrument.js:104 08:43:25.534 › [ Renderer ] updateTrayIconStatus ::: Overall unread message count for all enabled services is: _NaN_.

i am not yet sure why this happens - as i havent it tested yet on MacOS

What you might test is


  • open ttth
  • switch to the settings tab
  • press the folder button below the listed configured services. This open a directory where a .json file is located for each of your defined services
  • Now close ttth
  • Create a backup of twitter_SOMERANDOMSTRIN.json somewhere outside of this folder (i.e. your desktop)
  • Open the original twitter_SOMERANDOMSTRIN.json in your favorite text editor
  • Remote the path to the injectcode

The following is just an example
{"type":"twitter","name":"Twitter","icon":"fab fa-twitter","url":"https://mobile.twitter.com/","injectCode":"./js/ttth/services/twitter/twitter_inject.js","serviceEnableStatus":true,"userAgentDefault":"","userAgentCustom":""}

{"type":"twitter","name":"Twitter","icon":"fab fa-twitter","url":"https://mobile.twitter.com/","injectCode":"","serviceEnableStatus":true,"userAgentDefault":"","userAgentCustom":""}

  • save the file
  • start ttth

Please report back if that changes something.

To explain what this is doing:

  • each service a user has configured has its own .json config file
  • based on the service and its states the content differs
  • the inject_code (if existent) for a service_type is injected in the service session and tries to collect informations about unread messages (in case of twitter: unread DMs) etc - to update the service badge

my idea is to disable this inject code for testing purposes to see if that changes the behaviour.


i guess i understood where the problem is coming from.

Some time ago i've added code which:

  • tries to detect if the operating system of the user is supporting AppBadges (a badge next to the application icon). This is valid for
    • macOS
    • linux if unity environment is used
  • if it is supported - ttth tries to use it

You as mac user have an environment where my code is realizing that AppBadges are technically supported - and therefor tries to use it.
The function which i am using there seems to be deprecated but still functional. The real problem is that the inject_code i am using fro twitter no longer reports a valid number, but just NaN (NotANumber)

I'll let you know when it is fixed - in the meantime you can twitter in ttth using the hackery mentioned in the post above: