yaarto / nice-tmux-config

Nice tmux config

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's tmux

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. http://tmux.sourceforge.net/

Easy to split screen and create windows in one terminal. Easy to copy and paste.

Especially nice when using ssh. No need for multiple ssh connection.

This config is to make it easy to use.


sudo apt-get install tmux
git clone git@github.com:liangxianzhe/nice-tmux-config.git
ln -s ~/nice-tmux-config/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf


Run "tmux" to start a new session, or "tmux attach" to attach to a exist session.

Leader = `

First press `, then use following command:

For Pane

" = split pane horizontally

% = split pane vertically

x = kill the current pane

arrows or hjkl = move to panes

Ctrl + arrows = adjust pane size

q = show pane indexes

q + = go to the pane with index

For Window

c = create a new window

& = close current window

n = go to next window

p = go to previous window

` = go the last used window!

= go the the window with index

w = show all windows

, = name current window

For session (added later)

d = dettach

s = show all sessions

##For general

? = show all command

[ = enter into copy mode: move using hjkl, start select using space, copy selected area using enter, exit copy mode using q


Nice tmux config