yTakkar / React-Instagram-Clone-2.0

A reactive Single-Page Instagram-Clone with some new features!! 💪📸👓 - No longer maintained.

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this not an isssue just a question.

vincentroman opened this issue · comments

how can i deploy this on a production server like aws or with serverless

yeah actually i have got a way to deploy it to production and for this app it's even a lot easier i will wirte up a tutorial here in few days time sorry about that that

ok if that's the case you can either upload the app to your production enviroment and run nopm with the --production and use pm2 to manage it as a service and use nginx as reverse proxy and load balancer in orther to use port 80 or 443 and you are good to go

@vincentroman Hi Vincent - Can you tell me what files and folders goto production ?
Or if someone else knows, please share.

@vincentroman any video or something to explain that broadly? I don't know MERN Stack. I would like to use this script, I know the PHP Version, I am having problems with that also but its PHP I might crack it if I give it more time.

But I need this MERN Version of the script.

the simplest way to go about hosting this for production without much expertise need is to reapet the same process you did on the dev environment but with few changes like running npm install --production
and changin webpack build to webpack -p --progress --color in the package.json and then install pm2 on the server and use pm2 to run the web app by using pm2 start and that all any other issue just send me a message here i will be glad to help

looks like one has to pay/ add a card to complete registration for the Amazon hosting. I already have a shared host I can create a subdomain test run it with. Did you have any tips on that?

i am guessing one needs a vps or dedi to host MERN

dont worry about the aws card issue its just to verify the card plus its just a dollar charge, you can also try the google cloud platform they offer far better option than aws