xzzz9097 / Muse

An open-source Spotify controller with TouchBar support

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Muse cannot be opened

roandegraaf opened this issue · comments

This morning I didn't see the muse controls, so I tried to restart it but that didn't work either. I got a pop-up Muse couldn't be opened.

I tried updating Muse by downloading the latest version but that also didn't work, now it just does nothing at all. A friend of mine also uses Muse and for him it stopped working too! Maybe something wrong with the latest version?

We're both using an MacBook Pro 2018 with the latest version of Mojave (10.14.6).

The problem is with the code signature, I guess the certificate expired.
Running codesign -f -s - --deep /Applications/Muse.app on your Terminal should fix the app.(You will have to re-grant some permissions)

Thanks! That indeed solved the issue.

I uploaded a new release (4.1.1). Sorry for the wait.