xzregg / socket-io-typescript-chat

A chat application implemented using Socket.io, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components

Home Page:https://luixaviles.com/2017/09/releasing-socket-io-typescript-chat-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A Socket.io Chat Example Using TypeScript

This repository contains server & client side code using TypeScript language

Blog Post

Read the blog post about the release of this project: Releasing v1.0.0 of a Socket.io-TypeScript Chat Project

Live Demo

Try live demo: https://typescript-chat.firebaseapp.com

Support this project

  • Star GitHub repository ⭐
  • Create pull requests, submit bugs or suggest new features
  • Follow updates on Twitter

Running Server and Client locally


First, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. NodeJS - Download and Install latest version of Node: NodeJS
  2. Git - Download and Install Git
  3. Angular CLI - Install Command Line Interface for Angular https://cli.angular.io/

After that, use Git bash to run all commands if you are on Windows platform.

Clone repository

In order to start the project use:

$ git clone https://github.com/luixaviles/socket-io-typescript-chat.git
$ cd socket-io-typescript-chat

Run Server

To run server locally, just install dependencies and run gulp task to create a build:

$ cd server
$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ npm install
$ gulp build
$ npm start

The socket.io server will be running on port 8080

Run Angular Client

Open other command line window and run following commands:

$ cd client
$ npm install
$ ng serve

Now open your browser in following URL: http://localhost:4200




A chat application implemented using Socket.io, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 73.6%Language:HTML 15.5%Language:JavaScript 7.5%Language:CSS 3.3%