xypine / WaveFunctionCollapse-Sudoku

Solves sudoku puzzles using a wave function collapse algorithm

Home Page:https://xypine.github.io/WaveFunctionCollapse-Sudoku/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Solves sudoku puzzles using a wave function collapse algorithm. Makes mistakes sometimes, so you might want to try multiple times.

Made using Godot 3.


Screenshot of the program

Precompiled builds

HTML5 Export Available Here and here

Saving and Loading

This program can export and read string-type representations of the sudoku-board following the standard this page defines, making it compatible with all 7sudoku puzzles.


Solves sudoku puzzles using a wave function collapse algorithm


License:MIT License


Language:GAP 100.0%