xyb3rt / sxiv

Simple X Image Viewer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Working with pywal

vaskark opened this issue · comments

Hi. I'm trying to get sxiv to work with pywal. I've added my sxiv settings to .config/wal/templates/colors.Xresources:

Sxiv.background: {color0}
Sxiv.foreground: {color7}
Sxiv.font: scientifica-8;

Only the font is working. Now, polybar requires colors in the form ${xrdb.colorX} to work with pywal. I've tried that way as well and still no go.

Any advice would be appreciated.

System:Ubuntu 20.04.1
sxiv: 0.26

Edit: I should say I'm asking about the colors reacting in real time. It does work when I restart sxiv and open an image. Thx.

I'll close this. It's probably not going to react without restarting itself manually.
Great app, btw. Many thanks.