xw142332 / DecouplingKit

decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. iOS模块化过程中模块间解耦方案

Home Page:https://github.com/coderyi/DecouplingKit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool





	platform :ios, '7.0'
	pod 'DecouplingKit', '~> 0.0.2'

DecouplingKit, decoupling between modules in your iOS Project.

DecouplingKit only one class DKServiceManager, used to load the service list DKService.plist, the service is a business's protocol, there are other business needs to call the method, attributes and so on. DKService.plist includes service and impl, service is protocol, impl is the implementation of the protocol class.

DecouplingKit is based on [BeeHive] (https://github.com/alibaba/BeeHive), Another way to decoupling is through the runtime, such as [CTMediator] (https://github.com/casatwy/CTMediator), this is a very good program.


Register the default DKService.plist service list

    [[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] registerLocalServices];

Register a list of custom paths for services

    [[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] registerLocalServicesWithServiceConfigName:@"DecouplingKit.bundle/DKService"];

Create an instance, if the Bussiness2ServiceProtocol corresponding to the class to achieve the sharedInstance method,so generate a singleton, and then call the corresponding instance method

    id<Bussiness2ServiceProtocol> bussiness2 =[[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] createInstance:@protocol(Bussiness2ServiceProtocol)];
    NSDictionary *data =[bussiness2 fetchBussiness2DataWithName:@"DecouplingKit" age:@"1"];

Create a class and then call the corresponding class method

   Class Bussiness2 = [[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] createClass:@protocol(Bussiness2ServiceProtocol)];

    [Bussiness2 callClassMethod];

Create a service protocol for your own business line class

@protocol Bussiness2ServiceProtocol <DKServiceProtocol>
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString *name;
- (NSDictionary *)fetchBussiness2DataWithName:(NSString *)name age:(NSString *)age;
+ (void)callClassMethod;



All source code is licensed under the MIT License.


decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. iOS模块化过程中模块间解耦方案


License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 83.9%Language:Ruby 16.1%