xuperchain / xuperchain

A highly flexible blockchain architecture with great transaction performance.

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Cross contract invoke failed

zhugelianglongming opened this issue · comments


Brief of the issue

Bug starts after #318

Your environment

XuperChain and OS/Go/gcc version etc.

Reproduce steps

./bin/xchain-cli evm deploy --cname crossA1 evmTemplate/CrossA.bin --account XC2111111111111111@xuper -a '{}' --abi evmTemplate/CrossA.abi -H --fee 1958

./bin/xchain-cli evm deploy --cname crossB1 evmTemplate/CrossB.bin --account XC2111111111111111@xuper -a '{"addr": "313131312D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D63726F73734131"}' --abi evmTemplate/CrossB.abi -H --fee 1178

./bin/xchain-cli evm invoke crossB1 --method cross -a '{"key": "dudu"}' -H

Expected behaviours

contract invoke successful.

What actually happened

result: PreExe contract response : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Err:500-50501-contract invoke failed+error 17 - Error 17: execution reverted: execution reverted, logid:1643269174_5599468518237407

Additional information

  • icafe: sbc-7489