xuperchain / xuperchain

A highly flexible blockchain architecture with great transaction performance.

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rpc error: code = Unknown desc = this driver isn't ready

natalialinov opened this issue · comments

Brief of the issue
Hello, I wanted to publish a contract and interact with golang. I encountered such an error. I can't find where I went wrong. Can you help?

Your environment
xchain --version: v3.7-4a2ecc8 2022-09-28-19:03:42
go version: go version go1.17 linux/amd64
OS: Linux Mint 20.1
gcc --version: gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0
XuperChain and OS/Go/gcc version etc.

Repo steps
1$ cd $HOME
2$ git clone https://github.com/xuperchain/xuperchain.git xuperchain
3$ git checkout v3.7

core>cmd>xdev>internal>jstest>runner.go>I've commented out l156 to l172. Because testDeps giving error.
And i changed it to "native: enable: true" in xchain.yaml file.

4$ make
5$ export PATH=$HOME/xuperchain/output:$PATH
6$ export XDEV_ROOT=$HOME/xuperchain/core/contractsdk/cpp

7$ cd output
8$ ./xchain-cli createChain
9$ nohup ./xchain --vm ixvm &
10$ ./xchain-cli account new --account 1111111111111112 --fee 2000
11$ ./xchain-cli transfer --to XC1111111111111112@xuper --amount 100000000
12$ cd /home/xuperchain/core/contractsdk/go/example/counter
13$ go build -o counter
And I tried to run the deploy and invoke functions in the terminal below. It was deployed. I got an error in Invoke.
14$ ./xchain-cli native deploy ../core/contractsdk/go/example/counter/silincek/counter --cname counteree account XC1111111111111112@xuper --version 1.0.6 --single --config ../core/conf/xchain.yaml
15$ ./xchain-cli native invoke counteree --method Increase -a '{"key":"33"}' --fee 110000 --config ../core/conf/xchain.yaml
Describe how to reproduce this issue.

Expected behaviours
Describe what you expected to happen.

What actually happened
Describe what actually happened. Include the full traceback if there was an exception.
The error message I got: PreExe contract response : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = this driver isn't ready, name=counteree, logid:1664382157829287980_1_8081

Additional information
If possible, include a minimal, complete, and verifiable example to help us identify the issue. This also helps check that the issue is not with your own code.

please check conf/xchain.yaml native contract config. Or send a screenshot for xchain.yaml.

hello,Is this problem solved?