xuechantian / Plant-LncRNA-pipline

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LncRNA pipline


A pipeline for identifying and characterizing lncRNAs in plants.

1. Dependencies.



2.1. Install HISAT2:

git clone https://github.com/DaehwanKimLab/hisat2.git
cd hisat2

2.2. Install StringTie:

wget https://github.com/gpertea/stringtie/releases/download/v2.1.4/stringtie-2.1.4.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf stringtie-2.1.4.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/path/stringtie-2.1.6.Linux_x86_64/

2.3. Install LncFinder-plant:

R Package


2.4. Install CPAT-plant:

CPAT (version 1.2.4)

conda create -n py27 python=2.7 -y
source activate py27
pip2 install CPAT

2.5. Install Diamond:

 conda install -c bioconda diamond

2.6. Install FEELnc:

git clone https://github.com/tderrien/FEELnc.git
export FEELNCPATH=/path/FEELnc/bin/
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/path/FEELnc/lib/
export PATH=$PATH:/path/FEELnc/scripts/

3. Run HISAT2 to map RNA-seq reads to the reference genome:

3.1. Construct reference genome

hisat2-build -p 8 genome.fasta genome.index 

3.2. Genome alignment with hisat2

cat sample.list


If the RNA-seq library is strand-specific (fastq files are clean files filtered by fastp)

for i in `cat sample.list`; do hisat2 --new-summary --rna-strandness RF -p 10 -x genome.index -1 ${i}_1.fastq -2 ${i}_2.fastq -S ${i}.sam; done

If the RNA-seq library is not strand-specific

for i in `cat sample.list`; do hisat2 --new-summary -p 10 -x genome.index -1 ${i}_1.fastq -2 ${i}_2.fastq -S ${i}.sam; done

3.3. Sort and compress sam files with samtools

for i in `cat sample.list`; do samtools sort -o ${i}.bam ${i}.sam; done

4. Assemble transcripts using StringTie:

4.1. Transcription reconstruction of a single sample

for i in `cat sample.list`; do stringtie -p 10 --rf -G genome.gtf -o ${i}.gtf ${i}.bam; done

4.2. Merge transcripts of multiple samples

stringtie --merge -o candidate_transcript.gtf -G genome.gtf SRR*.gtf
gffread -w candidate_transcript.fasta -g genome.fasta candidate_transcript.gtf
grep '>' candidate_transcript.fasta | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/>//g' | sort -u > candidate_transcript.txt

5. LncRNA identification:

5.1. Remove transcripts shorter than 200 bp and overlapping with known mRNAs.

FEELnc_filter.pl -i candidate_transcript.gtf -a genome.gtf --monoex=-1 -s 200 -p 20 > candidate_lncRNA.gtf
cut -d ";" -f 2 candidate_lncRNA.gtf |sed 's/ transcript_id //g' | sed 's/"//g' | sort -u > candidate_lncRNA.txt

5.2. Identification of lncRNA with LncFinder-plant.

R Package


import training data

mRNA <- seqinr::read.fasta(file ="example_data/training_mRNA.fasta")
lncRNA <- seqinr::read.fasta(file ="example_data/training_lncRNA.fasta")

Use "make_frequencies" function to generate the feature file.

frequencies <- make_frequencies(cds.seq = mRNA, lncRNA.seq = lncRNA, SS.features = FALSE, cds.format = "DNA", lnc.format = "DNA", check.cds = TRUE, ignore.illegal = TRUE)	

loading the model

plant = readRDS("./Model/Plant_model.rda")

Identification of lncRNA

Seqs <- seqinr::read.fasta(file ="candidate_transcript.fasta")
Plant_results <- LncFinder::lnc_finder(Seqs, SS.features = FALSE, format = "DNA", frequencies.file = frequencies, svm.model = plant, parallel.cores = 2)

Export results

write.table(Plant_results, file ="plant-lncFinder.txt", sep ="\t",row.names =TRUE, col.names =TRUE,quote =FALSE)

5.3. Identification of lncRNA with CPAT-plant.

The coding probability (CP) cutoff: 0.46 (CP >=0.46 indicates coding sequence, CP < 0.46 indicates noncoding sequence).

source activate py27
cpat.py -x ./Model/Plant_Hexamer.tsv -d ./Model/Plant.logit.RData -g candidate_transcript.fasta -o CPAT_plant.output

5.4. Alignment of sequences to the UniProt protein database with diamond.

wget https://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz
gunzip uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz
diamond makedb --in uniprot_sprot.fasta -d uniprot_out
diamond blastx -d uniprot_out -q candidate_transcript.fasta -o uniprotoutput.txt

5.5. By intersecting the results obtained from the aforementioned steps, a set of high-confidence lncRNAs were obtained.

The id of the lncRNA

Rscript insersection.sh candidate_lncRNA.txt candidate_lncRNA.txt CPAT_plant.output plant-lncFinder.txt uniprotoutput.txt

The lncRNA gtf file

grep -Fwf final_lncRNA_results.txt candidate_transcript.gtf > lncRNA.gtf

6. Classify the final set of lncRNAs based on their genomic locations and sequence features.

Classification result file

FEELnc_classifier.pl -i lncRNA.gtf -a genome.gtf > lncRNA_classes.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $6 == "antisense" && $10 == "exonic") {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_antisense_exonic.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $6 == "sense" && $10 == "intronic") {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_intronic.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $6 == "sense" && $7 == "intergenic" && $8 <= 2000 && $10 == "upstream") {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_upstream.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $6 == "sense" && $7 == "intergenic" && $8 <= 2000 && $10 == "downstream") {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_downstream.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $7 == "intergenic" && $8 > 2000) {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_intergenic.txt


awk -F '\t' '{if($1==1 && $6 == "antisense" && $7 == "intergenic" && $8 <= 2000 && $10 == "upstream") {print $0}}' lncRNA_classes.txt > LncRNA_Bidirectional.txt

7. TE-derived lncRNAs.

cat TE.bed

Chr1    15827287        15838845        LTR_Gypsy
Chr1    13085455        13085593        LTR_Copia
Chr1    11181821        11181959        LTR_Copia
Chr1    20699111        20699248        LTR_Copia

cat LncRNA.bed

Chr1    11171031        11171031        MSTRG.2781.1
Chr1    12199350        12199350        MSTRG.2973.1
Chr1    13466928        13466928        MSTRG.3115.1
Chr1    13838536        13838536        MSTRG.3127.1


bedtools intersect -a lncRNA.bed -b TE.bed -wo | sort -u | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sed 's/ /\t/g' | sed '1iChr\tLncRNA_start\tLncRNA_end\tLncRNA_ID\tTE_start\tTE_end\tTE_ID\tOverlap' > TE_lncRNA_intersect.txt 

8. Citation.

If you use Plant-LncPipe, please cite:

Xue-Chan Tian, Zhao-Yang Chen, Shuai Nie, Tian-Le Shi, Xue-Mei Yan, Yu-Tao Bao, Zhi-Chao Li, Hai-Yao Ma, Kai-Hua Jia, Wei Zhao, Jian-Feng Mao, Plant-LncPipe: a computational pipeline providing significant improvement in plant lncRNA identification, Horticulture Research, 2024;, uhae041, https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhae041



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