xuannianz / keras-GaussianYOLOv3

Gaussian YOLOv3 (An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving (ICCV, 2019)) implementation in Keras and Tensorflow

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gaussian parameters

linchunmian opened this issue · comments


Hi, I want to know where does the introduction of gaussian parameters for uncertainty calculation?

x, y1 = make_last_layers(darknet.output, 512, num_anchors_per_layer * (num_classes + 9))
x = compose(darknet_conv2d_bn_leaky(256, (1, 1)), UpSampling2D(2))(x)
x = Concatenate()([x, darknet.layers[152].output])
x, y2 = make_last_layers(x, 256, num_anchors_per_layer * (num_classes + 9))
x = compose(darknet_conv2d_bn_leaky(128, (1, 1)), UpSampling2D(2))(x)
x = Concatenate()([x, darknet.layers[92].output])
x, y3 = make_last_layers(x, 128, num_anchors_per_layer * (num_classes + 9))

Here you can see there are num_classes + 9 params for each anchor instead of num_classes + 5 in original YOLOv3.
The first 8 params are tx ty tw th tx ty tw th.


But I still confused that how an where do you define the gaussian distribution and use its parameters for uncertainty prediction?

The gaussian distribution expression is defined in loss function.


Sorry, I still cannot localize the gaussian definition, and don't understanding how it work for uncertainty calculation. Could you please tell me in detail?


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