xswvfr / vue-web-terminal

A lightweight and beautiful web-side command line window plug-in (simulating a terminal).

Home Page:https://tzfun.github.io/vue-web-terminal/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A web-side command line plugin built by Vue, supports multiple message formats such as tables, json, and codes, supports custom message styles, command line libraries, typing search prompts, etc., and simulates native terminal support ← → cursor toggle and ↑ ↓ history command toggle.

🎉 The new document (preview version) is now available. The document is more detailed and the page is more friendly. Welcome to experience it: vue-web-terminal.beifengtz.com

Feature Support

  • Supported message formats: text, table, json, code/multiline text, html, ansi
  • Support Flash real-time echo
  • Support user input.(For example, enter username and password to log in)
  • Support Highlight.js, Codemirror.js code highlighting
  • Support ← → key cursor switch
  • Support ↑ ↓ key history command toggle
  • Support full-screen display
  • Support window drag
  • Support for multi-line text editing
  • Support custom command library and search for help tips, use the Tab key to quickly fill
  • Support user inputting filter
  • Support API interface: execute command, push message, simulate drag and drop, execute, full screen, etc.
  • Provides multiple slots to support custom styles


Short description:

It does not have the ability to execute a specific command. This ability needs to be implemented by the developer. What it is responsible for is to get the command to be executed from the user in the form of an interface, and then hand it over to the developer to implement and execute. After that, hand it over to show it to the user

Online Experience


Edit Vue Template

Quick Start

Install vue-web-terminal by npm. The 2.x.x version corresponds to vue2, and the 3.x.x version corresponds to vue3. It is recommended to download the latest version corresponding to the main version.

#  install for vue2
npm install vue-web-terminal@2.xx --save

#  install for vue3
npm install vue-web-terminal@3.xx --save 

Use Terminal plugin in main.js

import Terminal from 'vue-web-terminal'
// This style needs to be introduced in versions after 3.2.0 and 2.1.13. 
// There is no need to introduce theme styles in previous versions.
import 'vue-web-terminal/lib/theme/dark.css'

// for vue2

// for vue3
const app = createApp(App).use(Terminal)


  <div id="app">
    <terminal name="my-terminal" @exec-cmd="onExecCmd"></terminal>

  import Terminal from "vue-web-terminal"
  // This style needs to be introduced in versions after 3.2.0 and 2.1.13. 
  // There is no need to introduce theme styles in previous versions.
  import 'vue-web-terminal/lib/theme/dark.css'

  export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {Terminal},
    methods: {
      onExecCmd(key, command, success, failed) {
        if (key === 'fail') {
          failed('Something wrong!!!')
        } else {
          let allClass = ['success', 'error', 'system', 'info', 'warning'];

          let clazz = allClass[Math.floor(Math.random() * allClass.length)];
            type: 'normal',
            class: clazz,
            tag: '成功',
            content: command

  body, html, #app {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;



Starting from 2.1.13 and 3.2.0 versions, the plugin has two built-in themes: dark and lignt

//  import dark theme
import 'vue-web-terminal/lib/theme/dark.css'

//  import light theme
import 'vue-web-terminal/lib/theme/light.css'

If you need to customize the theme, you can customize the corresponding css variables.

Note: Versions before 2.1.12 and 3.1.8 (including) do not support the theme function, and there is no need to introduce css files.


Terminal tag supports attribute parameter table.

Argument Description Type Default
name Terminal instance name, the name of the same vue instance must be unique, this value is also used in API. string terminal
context Context text. string /vue-web-terminal
context-suffix Context text suffix. string >
title The title displayed in the header. string vue-web-terminal
show-header Whether to display the header, this switch will affect the drag and drop function. Only when the header is displayed can the drag and drop function provided by default be used. boolean true
init-log The log displayed when Terminal is initialized. It is an array composed of Message, null is not displayed. array /
auto-help Whether to enable the command line automatic search prompt function. boolean true
enable-example-hint Whether to show sample prompts, provided that auto-help is enabled. boolean true
command-store Customized command library, the search prompt function will scan this library, see Command Definition array Local Commands
command-store-sort Command line library sorting function, the display collation of the custom command library. function function(a,b)
input-filter Custom input filter, the return value is the filtered string, must be plain text, no html tags. function function(当前输入字符char, 输入框内字符串value, input事件event)
drag-conf Drag and drop window configuration items. If you do not configure it, the parent element will be filled with 100%, and the window width and height are equal to the width and height of the parent element. object Drag
command-formatter Command display formatting function, pass in the current command and return a new command, support html. If not set, the internally defined highlight style will be used. function function(cmd)
tab-key-handler The logic processing method when the user types the Tab key can be used in conjunction with the helpCmd slot. function function(event, rewriteCallback(newCmd))
search-handler User-defined command search prompt implementation, the callback needs to resolve a command object, the specific format see Command Definition format, can be used with helpCmd this slot function function(commandStore, key, callback)
scroll-mode Scroll bar mode. string smooth
push-message-before A hook function that fires before the push message is displayed. function function(message, name)
log-size-limit Limit the maximum number of displayed logs. number 200
enable-default-command Enable default command handler. boolean true
line-space Log line height, in px. number 15
cursor-style Cursor style, optional values: block, underline, bar, none string block
cursor-blink Whether to turn on cursor blinking. boolean true
enable-fold Whether to enable the log folding function. boolean true
enable-hover-stripe Whether the logs in the same group are highlighted when the mouse hovers. boolean false


Terminal tag support event table

Event name Description Callback arguments
exec-cmd Fired when a custom command is executed. success and failed are callback functions, must call one of the two callbacks before echoing! the meaning of the success callback parameter is described below, and the failed callback parameter is a string. (cmdKey, command, success, failed, name)
before-exec-cmd Triggered before the user presses Enter to execute the command. (cmdKey, command, name)
on-keydown When the cursor focus is obtained, press any keyboard to trigger. (event, name)
on-click Triggered when the user clicks the button, the parameter key is the unique identification of the button, there are buttons: close, minScreen, fullScreen, title, pin. (key, name)
init-before Lifecycle function, triggered before plugin initialization. (name)
init-complete Lifecycle function, triggered after plugin initialization is complete. (name)
on-active Triggered when the window is active. (name)
on-inactive Triggered when the window is inactive. (name)

Special note: The success callback parameter of exec-cmd supports multiple data types, and the execution logic of different data types will be different:

  • If no parameters are passed, the execution will end immediately
  • Passing in a Message will append a message to the record and end the execution immediately
  • Pass in a Message array, which will append multiple messages to the record and end the execution immediately
  • Pass in a TerminalFlash object, it will enter the processing logic of Real-time-echo(Flash), this execution will not end until finish() is called
  • Pass in a TerminalAsk object, it will enter the processing logic of user-input, this execution will not end until finish() is called


Starting from 2.1.7 and 3.1.3 versions, the camel case naming of events has been removed. If your version is later, please use a dash name, such as @exec-cmd="onExecCmd". issue#41


Terminal supports the following custom slots, this feature is supported in 2.0.11 and 3.0.8 versions and later.

Slot name Arguments Description
header / Customize the header style, still retain the drag area.
helpBox { showHeader, item } Custom command search result prompt box, item is the search result.
normal { message } Custom normal type message.
json { message } Custom json type message.
table { message } Custom table type message.
code { message } Custom code type message.
html { message } Custom html type message.
flash { content } Custom flash style.
helpCmd { item } Custom command search prompt style.
textEditor { data } Custom text editor style. For more information on how to use text editors, see Text Editor


<terminal :name="name" @exec-cmd="onExecCmd">
  <template #header>
    This is my custom header
  <template #json="data">
    {{ data.message }}
  <template #helpBox="{showHeader, item}">
    {{ item }}
  <template #textEditor="{data}">
        <textarea name="editor" class="t-text-editor" v-model="data.value"
                  @focus="data.onFocus" @blur="data.onBlur"></textarea>
    <div class="t-text-editor-floor" align="center">
      <button class="t-text-editor-floor-btn" @click="_textEditorClose(false)">Cancel</button>
      <button class="t-text-editor-floor-btn" @click="_textEditorClose(true)">Save & Close(Ctrl + S)</button>


This plugin provides some API that can use javascript to actively initiate event requests to the plugin. You have two ways to call the API:

1). Get the global API object

PS: Global API interface calls need to use the name of Terminal.

import {TerminalApi} from "vue-web-terminal"

//  invoke api
TerminalApi.pushMessage('my-terminal', 'hello world!')

2). Get the instance call API

This method calls all API interfaces without passing in the name

//  vue template code
<terminal ref='myTerminalRef'></terminal>

//  ......

//  vue2 js code
this.$refs.myTerminalRef.pushMessage('hello world!')

//  vue3 js code
const myTerminalRef = ref()
myTerminalRef.pushMessage('hello world!')


Online Demo

Push one or more messages to Terminal.

//  Each terminal will define a name, see the previous document for details
let name = 'my-terminal'

// push a message
let message = {
  class: 'warning',
  content: 'This is a wanning message.'

TerminalApi.pushMessage(name, message)

// push multiple messages
let messages = [
  {content: "message 1"},
  {content: "message 2"},
  {content: "message 3"}
TerminalApi.pushMessage(name, messages)


Newly added in version 3.2.0

Append content to the last message. It will be appended only if the last message exists and its type is normal, ansi, code, html, otherwise push a new message.

TerminalApi.appendMessage('my-terminal', "this is append content")


Make the current terminal enter or exit full screen.



Determine if the current state is full screen.

//  true or false
let fullscreen = TerminalApi.isFullscreen('my-terminal')


When Feature Drag is enabled, you can use the following method to simulate drag to change the window position, where the parameter x is the distance from the left border of the terminal to the left border of the browser's visible range, y is the distance from the upper border of the terminal to the upper border of the browser's visible range, in px.

TerminalApi.dragging('my-terminal', {
  x: 100,
  y: 200


You can use the API to execute a command to the Terminal, and the execution process will be echoed in the Terminal window. This is a way to use a script to simulate the user executing the command.

TerminalApi.execute('my-terminal', 'help :local')


Get the Terminal input focus. There are two input points in the plugin, one is command line input, the other is User-input.

TerminalApi.focus('my-terminal', true)


Online Demo

Get the DOM information of the terminal window. You can use this API to get the terminal's screen width and height, the width and height of the displayed content, the location, the width of a single character, etc. The unit is px.

let info = TerminalApi.elementInfo('my-terminal')

The info data structure is as follows:

  "pos": {
    "x": 100,
    "y": 100
  "screenWidth": 700,
  "screenHeight": 500,
  "clientWidth": 690,
  "clientHeight": 490,
  "charWidth": {
    "en": 7.2,
    "cn": 14

The following image clearly describes what these values mean:



A text editor will open after this API call.

TerminalApi.textEditorOpen('my-terminal', {
  content: 'This is the preset content',
  onClose: (value, options) => {
    console.log('Final content: ', value, "options:", options)

content is the preset content when opening the editor. If you don’t want to preset any content, you can leave this parameter blank. When the user clicks Close or actively calls the textEditorClose() method, the onClose callback will be triggered, and the parameter value is the text content in the current editor, options is the parameter passed in when closing.

For more information on how to use text editors, see Text Editor.


This method is used to close the currently opened text editor. After calling, it will trigger the onClose callback when it is opened.

TerminalApi.textEditorClose('my-terminal', true)

TerminalApi.textEditorClose('my-terminal', false)


Clear the contents of the current screen, or clear history log.

//  clear screen log

//  clear history log
TerminalApi.clearLog('my-terminal', true)


Get the command currently being entered.



Set the command currently being entered.

TerminalApi.setCommand('my-terminal', "customCmd -a hello")


This plugin defines a message object. Any information that needs to be displayed on the Terminal in the form of a record is a message object. It is used by the success() callback of the exec-cmd event and the pushMessage api.

Prop Description Type Options
content Required. The specific content, the content type of different message formats is different, the specific rules are as follows. string、json、object、array、ansi /
type Message format type, default is normal. string normal、json、code、table、html
class Message level, only valid for type normal. string success、error、system、info、warning
tag Display label, only valid for type normal. string /


The content is in string format and supports html tags. It supports slot rewriting style, see Slots for details.

  "type": "normal",
  "content": "This is a text message",
  "class": "success",
  "tag": "Tag success"


Online Demo

Messages of json type will be displayed in the json editing window, the type is json, and a json object must be passed for content.

  "type": "json",
  "content": {
    "key": "value",
    "num": 1


Online Demo

The code type message can display code and multi-line text more friendly, the type is code, and the content type is a string. It supports highlighting and codemirror highlighting.

  "type": "json",
  "content": "import Terminal from 'vue-web-terminal'\n\nVue.use(Terminal)"


code type messages support highlight.js highlighting.

First you need to configure Highlight.js, install it at the main.js entry, see https://www.npmjs.com/package/highlight.js

import {Terminal, configHighlight} from 'vue-web-terminal'
import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import java from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/java'
import vuePlugin from "@highlightjs/vue-plugin"
import 'highlight.js/styles/tomorrow-night-bright.css'

hljs.registerLanguage('java', java)

vue2 version dependency recommendation, vue3 just use the latest version.

  "@highlightjs/vue-plugin": "^1.0.2",
  "highlight.js": "^10.7.3"


code type messages also support codemirror highlighting. For detailed configuration, see https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-codemirror

It also only needs to be installed at the main.js entry. Recommended version: "vue-codemirror": "^4.0.6"

import {Terminal, configCodemirror} from 'vue-web-terminal'
import VueCodemirror from 'vue-codemirror'
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'
import 'codemirror/theme/darcula.css'
import 'codemirror/mode/clike/clike.js'
import 'codemirror/addon/edit/closebrackets.js'

  tabSize: 4,
  mode: 'text/x-java',
  theme: "darcula",
  lineNumbers: true,
  line: true,
  smartIndent: true


Online Demo

When type is table, content is the table configuration, head is the table header, rows is the data of each row, and html tags are supported.

  "type": "table",
  "content": {
    "head": [
    "rows": [
        "hello world",
        "this is a test1",
        "hello world",
        "this is a test2 test2",


Online Demo

When type is html, the content format can be customized, and content is composed of html tags.

function execCmd(key, command, success) {
  // ...
    type: 'html',
    content: `
          <ul class="custom-content">
            <li class="t-dir">dir 1</li>
            <li class="t-dir">dir 2</li>
            <li class="t-dir">dir 3</li>
            <li class="t-file">file 1</li>
            <li class="t-file">file 2</li>
            <li class="t-file">file 3</li>
  // ...


Online Demo

When the type is ansi, the ANSI control code style can be displayed. Currently only supports coloring control, including xterm-256color color system, and other control codes will be filtered.

function execCmd(key, command, success) {
  // ...
    type: 'ansi',
    content: '\x1B[1;34mThis are some blue text.\x1B[0m\n\x1B[30;43mThis is a line of text with a background color.\x1B[0m\n\x1B[92;5mThis is blink text.\x1B[0m'
  // ...


For help and command search, the command definition here is only for display, there is no specific execution logic, the execution logic of the command should be implemented in the exec-cmd event of Events.

If the command help search function is enabled, you need to pass in a custom command library before instantiating Terminal. The incoming command library is an array of commands. The following are the rules for defining the command format:

Prop Description Type
key Command keyword, required. string
title Display title. string
group grouping, customizable, The built-in help command can filter by this field. string
usage How to use the command. string
description Detailed description of the command. string
example For usage examples, seeCommand example array


The format of the example is relatively simple, it is a json array, des is a description, cmd is a specific command, and the json format is as follows:

    "des": "Get all network information",
    "cmd": "netstat -a"
    "des": "Open a website",
    "cmd": "open blog.beifengtz.com"


Online Demo

The plugin has a built-in help command to facilitate users to view the usage of the commands. The premise is that these commands have been defined in advance. Through the help command, you can view the key, grouping, and sample information of the command.

# Show all command information

# Fuzzy search command, search for build prefixed commands
help build*

# Fuzzy search name, search for commands with build
help *build*

# Search by group, search keywords need to start with ":", search for all commands grouped as build
help :build


Terminal has the following built-in commands by default. If you set enable-default-command to false, these commands will not work;

    "key": "help",
    "title": "Help",
    "group": "local",
    "usage": "help [pattern]",
    "description": "Show command document.",
    "example": [
        "des": "Get help documentation for exact match commands.",
        "cmd": "help open"
        "des": "Get help documentation for fuzzy matching commands.",
        "cmd": "help *e*"
        "des": "Get help documentation for specified group, match key must start with ':'.",
        "cmd": "help :groupA"
    "key": "clear",
    "title": "Clear logs",
    "group": "local",
    "usage": "clear [history]",
    "description": "Clear screen or history.",
    "example": [
        "cmd": "clear",
        "des": "Clear all records on the current screen."
        "cmd": "clear history",
        "des": "Clear command history."
    "key": "open",
    "title": "Open page",
    "group": "local",
    "usage": "open <url>",
    "description": "Open a specified page.",
    "example": [
        "cmd": "open blog.beifengtz.com"

Advanced Features


To enable drag and drop, you need to set show-header to true and configure drag-conf. You can configure the window size through width and height of dragConf, and you can control the window initialization position through init, the following is a simple example.

<terminal name="my-terminal"
          :drag-conf="{width: 700, height: 500, init:{ x: 50, y: 50 }}">

The complete configuration structure of drag-conf is as follows:

Prop Description type
width The width of the drag window, which can be a number (in px) or a percentage (relative to the browser window). number/string
height Drag window height, which can be a number (in px) or a percentage (relative to the browser window). number/string
zIndex Window level, this value can be modified and monitored by the terminal, which can be used for multi-window level control, default 100. number
init Window initialization position, if not filled, the default position is in the center of the browser window, where x and y are in px. {"x": 700, "y": 500} object
pinned Pinned window, once pinned, it cannot be dragged, and the pin will be triggered in the on-click event when the button is clicked to modify this value. boolean


In addition to mouse control, you can also call API to simulate dragging


When drag-conf is configured, the window will enable the drag and zoom function, and the zoom touch area will be on the four corners of the window.


Online Demo

The default messages of Terminal are displayed in the append mode. When you only need to display the execution process, and when the content does not want to exist in the record after the execution, real-time echo is a good choice. For example, when gradle or npm download dependencies, the process of downloading the progress bar animation.

In the exec-cmd event callback of Events, the success callback function supports the incoming Flash processing object.

Create a new flash object through new TerminalFlash() and pass it into the success callback. The flash object provides two methods:

  • flush(string): Update what is currently displayed
  • finish(): End execution
import {TerminalFlash} from 'vue-web-terminal'

let flash = new TerminalFlash()

let count = 0
let flashInterval = setInterval(() => {
  flash.flush(`This is flash content: ${count}`)

  if (++count >= 20) {
}, 200)


Online Demo

When you need to ask the user, you can use this function to get the content entered by the user, such as the scenario where the user needs to enter the username and password when logging in.

In the exec-cmd event callback of Events, the success callback function supports incoming user input processing objects.

Create a new ask object through new TerminalAsk() and pass it into the success callback. The ask object provides two methods:

  • ask(options): Initiate a user to ask for input, options is an object, and its properties are explained as follows (* indicates required):
    • question: string, The question to ask, or a prefix string that can be understood as user input
    • callback: function, The callback when the user types an enter key, the parameter value is the content entered by the user
    • autoReview: bool, Whether to automatically append the current display content when the user types an enter key
    • isPassword: bool, Whether it is a password input
  • finish(): End execution
import {TerminalAsk} from 'vue-web-terminal'

let asker = new TerminalAsk()

  question: 'Please input github username: ',
  autoReview: true,
  callback: value => {
      question: 'Please input github password: ',
      autoReview: true,
      isPassword: true,
      callback:() => {
        //    do something


Online Demo


When you want to edit multi-line text, you can use the API: textEditorOpen(), textEditorClose(). For details, please refer to the API section. The following is a simple example:

TerminalApi.textEditorOpen('my-terminal', {
  content: 'Please edit this file',
  onClose: (value, options) => {
    console.log("User edit completed, text result:", value, "options:", options)

Slot custom style

If you don't like the default style, you can use Slot to customize the style of the editor (such as changing to Codemirror or VS Code ?), the parameter is data, and data has three attributes that you need to care about:

  • value: The edited text content, you need to bind it with v-model in the editor you implement.
  • onFoucs: Get the focus event, you need to bind the @focus event in the editor you implement.
  • onBlur: Lost focus event, you need to bind the @blur event in the editor you implement.

Custom Shortcuts

The plugin provides an onKeydown event, which is the best way for you to control the shortcut keys of the Terminal in active state, here we take the text editor as an example, set the user to press the shortcut key Ctrl + S to indicate Finish editing and save.

  <terminal :name="name" @exec-cmd="onExecCmd" @on-keydown="onKeydown">
    <template #textEditor="{ data }">
      <textarea name="editor"

      <div class="t-text-editor-floor" align="center">
        <button class="t-text-editor-floor-btn" @click="_textEditorClose(false)">Cancel</button>
        <button class="t-text-editor-floor-btn" @click="_textEditorClose(true)">Save & Close</button>


  import {Terminal, TerminalApi} from "vue-web-terminal";
  // This style needs to be introduced in versions after 3.1.8 and 2.1.12. 
  // There is no need to introduce theme styles in previous versions.
  import 'vue-web-terminal/lib/theme/dark.css'

  export default {
    name: "TerminalOldDemo",
    components: {Terminal},
    data() {
      return {
        name: "my-terminal",
        enableTextEditor: false
    method: {
      onExecCmd(key, command, success, failed, name) {
        if (key === 'edit') {
          TerminalApi.textEditorOpen(this.name, {
            content: 'Please edit this file',
            onClose: (value) => {
              this.enableTextEditor = false
                type: "code",
                content: value
          this.enableTextEditor = true
      onKeydown(event) {
        if (this.enableTextEditor && event.key === 's' && event.ctrlKey) {
      _textEditorClose(option) {
        TerminalApi.textEditorClose(this.name, option)


I am a back-end Coder, and I only know a little about the front-end. I developed this plug-in because of my personal interest.

If you have good ideas for code optimization or functions and are willing to contribute code, please submit PR, If you have any questions about the use of the plugin or find bugs, please submitissue.


📮 beifengtz@qq.com

beifeng-tz (Add please note vue-web-terminal)

Communication group

If you have any questions or encounter problems, you can ask them in the communication group, add me to the group on WeChat (see the contact information above)


This plugin is completely open source and free, and it is not easy to create. If you think it is good, you can donate to support this project.

Thank you for your donation:


Apache License 2.0


A lightweight and beautiful web-side command line window plug-in (simulating a terminal).


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Vue 55.5%Language:TypeScript 23.9%Language:CSS 16.9%Language:HTML 2.7%Language:JavaScript 1.0%