xsahil03x / before_after

A flutter package which makes it easier to display the difference between two images.

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/before_after

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Thumb color is not workin

Koston411 opened this issue · comments

I tried to change the color of the thumb but I can't.

I'm using Dart 3.3.4 on Android 13.

value: value,
before: Image.file('thumbnail-modified.png'),
after: Image.file(thumbnail2-modified.png'),
direction: SliderDirection.vertical,
trackWidth: 2,
trackColor: Colors.white,
thumbColor: Colors.white,
onValueChanged: (value) {
setState(() => this.value = value);

The color remains purple (default).