xrobert35 / ae-lib-base

Demo fini

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Guide to create an angular 8 library

Using the angular-cli

Create a new empty angular workspace

ng new asi-esir-lib --create-application=false

Open the workspace, and generate a new project

ng generate library asi-esir-lib

Edit the archive

  • package.json : add author for exemple

  • modify angular.json et tslint, to change the prefix

  • create your first component : ng g component components/asi-esir-input

  • In the same directory create a new module for the component

  • taking exemple on the existing file exports in public-api.ts

  • import the commonModule to make the component working

  • Dont forget to export you component !

  • Modify ts-config and add some compilation rules

    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "alwaysStrict": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
  • Modify ts-lint to allow leading-underscore (you will have probleme cause of the "noUnusedParameters" if you dont do that)
    "variable-name": {
      "options" : [
  • Check if test is working
npm run test
  • A chrome error ? perhaps you need to export CHROME_BIN var
export CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium-browser
  • remove chrome display and watch mode and add coverage
"test:lib": "ng test asi-esir-lib --browsers ChromeHeadless --watch false --code-coverage=true",
  • try to build the application

create a new application to test your component

ng generate application asi-esir
  • modify npm script
    "start": "ng serve asi-esir",
    "build:lib": "ng build asi-esir-lib",
    "build:lib:watch": "ng build asi-esir-lib --watch",
    "test:lib": "ng test asi-esir-lib --browsers ChromeHeadless --watch false --code-coverage=true",
    "lint:lib": "ng lint asi-esir-lib",
  • import your component module and test your component on the website
import { AsiEsirInputModule} from 'asi-esir-lib';

Manage style

  • add a new folder for your less or sass application in your library

  • add copyfiles to copy this folder during the build process

npm i --save-dev copyfiles
  • update packages.json (add copy:style and update build:lib)
"copy:style": "./node_modules/.bin/copyfiles -u 3 projects/asi-esir-lib/style/**/* dist/asi-esir-lib/lib/style",
"build:lib": "ng build asi-esir-lib && npm run copy:style",

Push on github and add travis configuration to manage ci ! https://travis-ci.com

  • add travis.yml
language: node_js
  - "12.4"

script: 'true'

    - stage: compile
      script : npm run lint:lib
    - script : npm run build:lib
    - stage: test
      script :
        - npm run test:lib
  • connect on travis-ci with your account and check your build after push

Add coveralls ! https://coveralls.io/

  • add coverolls dependencie
npm i --save-dev coveralls
"coveralls" : "cat ./coverage/asi-esir-lib/lcov.info | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js",

update travis.yml to add coveralls script

language: node_js
  - "12.4"

script: 'true'

    - stage: compile
      script : npm run lint:lib
    - script : npm run build:lib
    - stage: test
      script :
        - npm run test:lib
        - npm run coveralls
  • Check your report on coveralls after travis build :)


Demo fini


Language:TypeScript 70.9%Language:JavaScript 15.2%Language:HTML 10.1%Language:CSS 3.9%