xreef / SimpleFTPServer

A simple FTP server for Arduino, ArduinoSAMD WiFiNINA, esp8266, esp32, stm32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W

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Does not work on Acess point mode, only Station mode

BioEngLuisPereira opened this issue · comments


I have been using this great library on STA mode, but recently I got a project where there was no wifi available, so I thought I could do it on AP mode (or even AP+STA mode). But it does not work.
Here is what I get on arduino IDE:
`ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f0
Set AP named:ESP32
AP IP address:
Card Mount Successful.
SD opened!
Listing directory: /
DIR : System Volume Information
DIR : Data
FILE: .dropbox.device SIZE: 56
FILE: Backup_dongle.txt SIZE: 370
FILE: settings.txt SIZE: 368
Ftp server waiting for connection on port 21
Client connected!

_callback 0 1 1
-U-S-E-R- -e-s-p-3-2-

Command is: USER
USER: esp32 esp32
-P-A-S-S- -e-s-p-3-2-

Command is: PASS
Authentication Ok. Waiting for commands.
-O-P-T-S- -U-T-F-8- -O-N-

Command is: OPTS
200 OK, UTF8 ON

Command is: PWD
-T-Y-P-E- -I-

Command is: TYPE

Command is: PASV
Connection management set to passive
Listening at

Command is: MLSD
List of file!!And what I get on Filezilla:Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Plain FTP is insecure. Please switch to FTP over TLS.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is your current directory
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,195,89)
Command: MLSD
Error: The data connection could not be established: WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL - Cannot assign requested address
Response: 425 No data connection
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing`

Finally, I'm using arduino IDE 1.8.19 and esp32 board version 2.0.3.

I'm also attatching an arduino code where >I manage to do it in STA mode and if I comment and discomment STA part and AP part, I should get it to work on AP mode (but doesn't work and produce what I just posted here.

Thank you!
Cheers, Luís Pereira.