xreef / SimpleFTPServer

A simple FTP server for Arduino, ArduinoSAMD WiFiNINA, esp8266, esp32, stm32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W

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Some FTP clients may disconnect TCP sessions just after connected

cat-in-136 opened this issue · comments

Some FTP clients such as gftp sometimes sends an RST packet and disconnect the TCP session before receiving all 220-- responses just after connecting.

The first 220- responses are consisting of the following 112 bytes (when welcomeMessage is default):

220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2022-03-11    --

Subsequent messages are similar. This behavior depends on esp32 library's Nagle algorithm implementation.

When the messages are segmented excessively and there is a certain large latency between the server (esp32) and the client, some client seems to send an RST packet to disconnect.

Sometimes the first six bytes of 220--- is sent on the only packet.

This boundary is come from the execution unit of client.print().

  client.print(F("220---")); client.print(welcomeMessage); client.println(F(" ---"));

So this issue can be resolved by storing the message in a buffer and sending it to the client when all messages stored. For example, the following workaround code:

template <size_t N = 256>
class StringPrintBuffer : public Print {
    virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) override {
      if (_size + size < N) {
        memcpy(_buf + _size, buffer, size);
        _size += size;
        return size;
      } else {
        return 0;
    virtual size_t write(uint8_t c) override {
      if (_size < N) {
        _buf[_size++] = c;
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

    const char* buffer() { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(_buf); };
    const size_t size() { return _size; };
    size_t _size = 0;
    uint8_t _buf[N] = {0};

// ...snip...

  StringPrintBuffer<256> response;
  response.print(F("220---")); response.print(welcomeMessage); response.println(F(" ---"));
  response.println(F("220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---"));
  response.print(F("220 --    Version ")); response.print(FTP_SERVER_VERSION); response.println(F("    --"));
  client.write(response.buffer(), response.size());

This can occur in any other response and it is necessary to apply the change to all responses.

Thanks, @cat-in-136,
I must test the memory usage, when I return home probably I allow to select the buffer.
I use this library with Arduino Mega also with few memory.
Bye Renzo

Hi @cat-in-136,
can you help me to replicate the problem?

And if you can, can you try to set this parameter (like explained here).

Thanks Bye Renzo

Hi @cat-in-136,
I try with gftp but no disconnection, It's working well without a problem.
Can you help me to replicate the issue?
Bye Renzo

I try to do a double system to generate client write, but I need some time.
Bye Renzo


I understand my fix is ad-hoc and is not good from memory usage perspective.

Unfortunately, WiFi.setSleep(false); does not resolve the issue on my environment.

Environment details:

The packet capture is as follows:
where is my linux PC (ftp client), is M5Stack. RST were generated by gftp. Line 78-89 were generated by gftp's connection retry.

I originally saw this issue with my private app on M5Paper v1.1. After that, I reproduced this issue on other device M5Stack Basic. Does this issue only occurs on M5 product series 🤔!?

Probably on M5 the latency is managed with different parameters, but I try to buffer the response (not now but in the future when I have more time).
I also need help with a lot of projects and tutorials if you are interested :P
I leave this issue open to remember, if you discover something else write here.
Bye Renzo

I purchased and got ESP32-DevKitC V4 (board = esp32dev) which is not a M5Stack family product but a espressif official board. The esp32dev board does not have an SD card slot unlike M5Stack, I used a MicroSD card breakout board and connect it and esp32dev to handle SD card as same as M5Stack.

But, unfortunately, this issue was still reproduced with ESP32-DevKitC V4 on my environment. 😢 I believe I need to review my environment such as pio etc...

Environment details:

Hi. I just started with my first project and am running into the same problem.
Model ESP8266 WEMOS D1 mini
WiFi mode STA
Client Windows 10 command line ftp

I needed several attempt to get the password prompt at the correct time:

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> open esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung zu esp8266.ftp.server besteht bereits. Beenden Sie die Verbindung zuerst.
ftp> bye
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> bye
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> stat
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
Typ: ascii; Verbose: EIN ; Bell: AUS ; Prompt: EIN ; Glob: EIN
Debug: AUS ; Hash: AUS
ftp> esp8266
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> quit
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
221 Goodbye
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)):
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> bye

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
331 Ok. Password required
230 Ok
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Accepted data connection to port 50996
drwxrwsr-x      2       esp8266 4096    Jan 01  1970    logs
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 16:06    version.txt
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 14:44    version2.txt
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 15:23    version4.txt
226 4 matches total
FTP: 197 Bytes empfangen in 0.09Sekunden 2.32KB/s
ftp> cd logs
250 Directory changed to /logs
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Accepted data connection to port 50997
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 17088   Nov 27 11:11    general.log
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 11508   Nov 27 11:10    vitwifi.log
226 2 matches total
FTP: 109 Bytes empfangen in 0.09Sekunden 1.21KB/s

Hope this helps a bit.


I had a really bad day today and took a look at the source code.
Took me a while but after changing this line it is way more stable.

Granted, I do not exactly know when this 'else' is used:

FtpServer.cpp: Line 484 - 413 (

  else if( CommandIs( "AUTH" ))
    client.println(F("502 ") );
  //  Unrecognized commands at stage of authentication
  else if( cmdStage < FTP_Cmd )
    client.println(F("530 ") );
---   cmdStage = FTP_Stop;
+++   cmdStage = FTP_User;

After the MS ftp.exe opens the connection a OPTS command is send. After that the USER command should be initiated. It seems that after the OPTS gets handled the program runs into this 'else' tree.

Hi @LFrank2021,
I think the problem differs from the one proposed by @cat-in-136, but it can be a good point to do additional tests.

But what means "more stable", sometimes It's working.

Bye Renzo

Hi @xreef
yes, sometimes the client connected fine.
How to explain it?
I am currently heavily experimenting with my first own project.
And am stressing the little ESP8266 (maybe) to its limits:
HTTP, FTP, LittleFS (for debugging), VitoWiFi
And it seems to me, the more (especially FS logging) it has to do, the more instable the FTP-server got.
Lately, prior to my manipulation, I was unable to get any connection.
Always a 530 message (without 'TIMEOUT') and no prompt for PASS.

Right now I am again strugeling with ftp.exe but FileZilla is able to connect reliable.

Kind regards

After some time, this bug seems no longer appears.
Thanks to all