xreef / SimpleFTPServer

A simple FTP server for Arduino, ArduinoSAMD WiFiNINA, esp8266, esp32, stm32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W

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Add Teensy 4.1 Support

jakespeed1311 opened this issue · comments


Please add Teensy 4.1 support. I think QN Ethernet is the better Network stack for ftp.

Also the SdFat 2 and Littlefs on Teensy als filesystem would be great.

PS: I trieyd but was not able to get a stable version.

Hi Jake,
I ask for a sample board from the PJRC; if the answer is ok, I'm happy to work on that.
Bye Renzo

Hi @jakespeed1311,
Sorry, but no answer from https://www.pjrc.com/about/contact.html, so, for the support, you can try to contact them.
Bye Renzo


Hi @xreef,
a borad + ethernet costs today in germany 36€. I don't know how much is it in Italy.
i don t think that pjrc will sponcer a borad now.
Maybee we ask in the forum. But I don't not want that you only do the work ony for me.
So if no other people need that i do not want to waste your time.
So i am not shure if you generaly interstet in Teensy?

Put thanks for have a try on that.

for the support of Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 (SAMD21 devices) Arduino send me a board, for LoRa E22 and LoRa E220 Ebyte send me a stock of devices.

I think It's an interest of PJRC that a set of libraries work with his devices, but I can't buy all devices even if there is a big request.

And Teensy isn't a device that I'd like to use in a project, for me It's expensive, so I don't has one of them.

I leave this issue open, in the future (now I'm exploring STM32) probably I buy one of them for studying purposes.

Bye Renzo

Hi @ xreef,
Hi @ jakespeed1311,

Your FTP server project is a very impressive piece of work.
I'm also interested in a solution of a working library on the Teensy 4.1 board.
The Teensy 4.1 is a very fast microcomputer board for the basis of complex sketches.
I would be very happy if you could get excited about it and work towards it.

Best greetings,
