xperiandri / Auth0.WindowsPhone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Install NuGet
Install-Package Auth0.WindowsPhone
  1. Instantiate Auth0Client and save into static property in App class
Auth0 = new Auth0Client(
   "{YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN}",  // e.g.
   "{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}");    // it's in Auth0 app settings
  1. Trigger login (with Widget)
    var user = await App.Auth0.LoginAsync();
    /* Use user.Profile to do wonderful things, e.g.: 
    - get user email => user.Profile["email"].ToString()
    - get facebook/google/twitter/etc access token => user.Profile["identities"][0]["access_token"]
    - get Windows Azure AD groups => user.Profile["groups"]
    - etc.
catch (AuthenticationCancelException)
    // Handle case when user canceled authentication
catch (AuthenticationErrorException)
    // Handle case when some error happen while authentication
catch (AuthenticationException)
    // Handle all Auth0 Authentication error cases

Or you can use the connection as a parameter (e.g. here we login with a Windows Azure AD account):

var user = await App.Auth0.LoginAsync("");

Or a database connection:

var user = await App.Auth0.LoginAsync("my-db-connection", "username", "password");

Note: if the user pressed the back button LoginAsync throws a AuthenticationCancelException. If consent was not given (on social providers) or some other error happened it will throw a AuthenticationErrorException.

Delegation Token Request

You can obtain a delegation token specifying the ID of the target client (targetClientId) and, optionally, an IDictionary<string, string> object (options) in order to include custom parameters like scope or id_token:

var targetClientId = "{TARGET_CLIENT_ID}";
var options = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "scope", "openid profile" },		// default: openid
    { "id_token", "USER_ID_TOKEN" }		// default: id_token of the authenticated user (auth0.CurrentUser.IdToken)

auth0.GetDelegationToken(targetClientId, options)
     .ContinueWith(t =>
            // Call your API using t.Result["id_token"]

What is Auth0?

Auth0 helps you to:

  • Add authentication with multiple authentication sources, either social like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Account, LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, Box, Salesforce, amont others, or enterprise identity systems like Windows Azure AD, Google Apps, Active Directory, ADFS or any SAML Identity Provider.
  • Add authentication through more traditional username/password databases.
  • Add support for linking different user accounts with the same user.
  • Support for generating signed Json Web Tokens to call your APIs and flow the user identity securely.
  • Analytics of how, when and where users are logging in.
  • Pull data from other sources and add it to the user profile, through JavaScript rules.

Create a free Auth0 Account

  1. Go to Auth0 and click Sign Up.
  2. Use Google, GitHub or Microsoft Account to login.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%