xpdota / event-trigger

Comprehensive FFXIV Overlays, Triggers, Dot Tracker, Log Analysis, and more in an easy-to-use tool

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Replay controls: rewinding and playing at regular speed

llm96 opened this issue · comments


Thanks for this tool, I've been using it recently to replay some ACT logs with the map and callout overlay to see what went wrong.

I might've missed a button or setting somewhere, but is it not currently possible to go backwards in a replay when using triggevent-import? I've tried setting the 'Advance By' field to negative values but that doesn't seem to work. It'd be useful to go back to a specific pull from the Pulls tab and step through it again.

Related to that, and another thing I might've missed, but can the rate of the 'Play' button be configured anywhere? It's a bit too fast for me at the moment. Ideally would be able to play it back at 'real time' speed so that it could be sync'd up to a recording.


You might be looking for the Map tab - it has the ability to rewind. It's pretty expensive in terms of memory to capture everything needed to allow a true rewind, so it only captures specific details. If there's a need for more things to be included.

Playing at a specific speed is probably also doable. The play button currently just plays as quickly as it can process.