storesafe / cordova-sqlite-storage

A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

XCode build fails: Redefinition of enumerator 'SYNTAX_ERR'

ryaa opened this issue · comments

The error started to appear when I added the below cordova plugins to the project where cordova-sqlite-storage plugin already existed

  • cordova-plugin-file
  • cordova-plugin-qrscanner

The cordova-sqlite-storage plugin has WebSQLError enum with SYNTAX_ERR = 5 and cordova-plugin-file plugin has CDVFileError enum with SYNTAX_ERR = 8. It seems to be the problem with the same name for these enums.

It looks like cordova-plugin-file suddenly started using the SYNTAX_ERR enum; you should be able to use an older version of that plugin as a workaround. Should be fixed when I do SQLite 3.28.0 update (#867).

Any progress on this?

I hope to make this soon, please followup if I don't fix this in the next 1-2 weeks or so.

Should be fixed with a quick workaround in version 3.4.0. I will need some time to propagate this workaround update into the other SQLite plugin versions.

Should be fixed with a quick workaround in version 3.4.0. I will need some time to propagate this workaround update into the other SQLite plugin versions.

Thanks will check soon :)

@brodybits it works with 3.4.0