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Thermostat remote temperature is not setting

GardnerAlex opened this issue · comments


NodeMCU V3; Wemos D1 Mini




I'm trying to set up remote temperature for thermostat module.

Apparently I'm doing something wrong

  1. Setting Remote sensor name as ALGARD-54EC98 (my device name with thermo sensor)
  2. Can see in logs:
    [131574] [MQTT] Received ALGARD-54EC98/data => {"datetime":"2023-03-25 07:20:03","mac":"C8:C9:A3:54:EC:98","host":"ALGARD-54EC98","ip":"","id":118,"temperature":25.00}
  3. Than nothing

Previously it was partially working with DHT-22 remote sensor, but it was setting humidity instead of temperature value
The JSON message was in topic ALGARD-54EC98/data:
{"datetime":"2023-03-25 06:32:44","mac":"C8:C9:A3:54:EC:98","host":"ALGARD-54EC98","ip":"","id":21,"temperature":25,"humidity":25}

Here are screenshot of Thermostat settings:


Debug console:


Nothing wrong, just invalid key being used.

it was setting humidity instead of temperature value

Some time ago topic handling was changed, where it should've retrieved 'temperature' string it got 'humidity' (meaning topic-string-at-magnitude-index for the local device, where temperature is 0th and humidity is 1st magnitude; temperature ID is 1, so humidity was used)