xobs / fernly

Fernvale research OS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

response 0x1d12

ildar opened this issue · comments


what's supposed in cases like this?

$ ./fernly-usb-loader -w -s -l fernly-usb-loader.log /dev/ttyACM0 usb-loader.bin firmware.bin
Waiting for serial port to connect: .....
Setting serial port parameters... Ok
Initiating communication... Ok
Getting hardware version... 0xca02
Getting chip ID... 0x6261
Getting boot config (low)... 0x0000
Getting boot config (high)... 0x0000
Getting hardware subcode... 0x8000
Getting hardware version (again)... 0xca02
Getting chip firmware version... 0x0001
Getting security version... v 5
Enabling security (?!)... Ok
Reading ME... 00000000 89 06 e0 da 41 d2 00 1c  91 88 d4 19 19 5e 7c 24  |....A........^|$|
Disabling WDT... Ok
Reading RTC Baseband Power Up (0xa0710000)... 0x0000
Reading RTC Power Key 1 (0xa0710050)... 0xa357
Reading RTC Power Key 2 (0xa0710054)... 0x67d2
Setting seconds... Ok
Disabling alarm IRQs... Ok
Disabling RTC IRQ interval... Ok
Enabling transfers from core to RTC... Ok
Reading RTC Baseband Power Up (0xa0710000)... 0x0000
Getting security configuration... None.
Getting PSRAM mapping... 0x0000
Disabling PSRAM -> ROM remapping... Ok
Checking PSRAM mapping... 0x0002
Checking on PSRAM mapping again... 0x0002
Updating PSRAM mapping again for some reason... Ok
Reading some fuses... 0x00000000
Enabling UART... 0x0000
Loading Fernly USB loader... !! First response is 0x1d12, not 0 !!
$ ./fernly-usb-loader -w -s -l fernly-usb-loader.log /dev/ttyACM0 usb-loader.bin firmware.bin
Waiting for serial port to connect: .....
Setting serial port parameters... Ok
Initiating communication... Ok
Getting hardware version... 0xca02
Getting chip ID... 0x6261                    <---------- Indicates MT6261

Your device is an MT6261, not an MT6260. So the load addresses are wrong. Try https://github.com/isogashii/fernly/tree/fernly6261/ which has addresses for the 6261.


There's "Fernvale" section at https://www.kosagi.com/forums/index.php (3 forums), which everyone interested monitors and posts to.
