xnuinside / omymodels

O!My Models (omymodels) is a library to generate Pydantic, Dataclasses, GinoORM Models, SqlAlchemy ORM, SqlAlchemy Core Table, Models from SQL DDL. And convert one models to another.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


KrunchMuffin opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
Can;t install dependencies

To Reproduce
Use Python 3.9?

Expected behavior
Be able to install dependencies

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS] win10

Additional context

Installing dependencies from lock file

The current project's Python requirement (3.9.6) is not compatible with some of the required packages Python requirement:

  • dataclasses requires Python >=3.6, <3.7

Because no versions of table-meta match >0.1.5,<0.2.0
and table-meta (0.1.5) depends on dataclasses (>=0.8,<0.9), table-meta (>=0.1.5,<0.2.0) requires dataclasses (>=0.8,<0.9).
Because dataclasses (0.8) requires Python >=3.6, <3.7
and no versions of dataclasses match >0.8,<0.9, dataclasses is forbidden.
Thus, table-meta is forbidden.
So, because omymodels depends on table-meta (^0.1.5), version solving failed.

The lock file might not be compatible with the current version of Poetry.
Upgrade Poetry to ensure the lock file is read properly or, alternatively, regenerate the lock file with the poetry lock command.


nevermind. was using the wrong update cmd for poetry cause I had an old version.