xmyhhh / MonoRuntime-Cpp-Embed-Demo

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A demo of a c++ embedded Mono runtime calling C# exposed methods for studying the scripting mechanism of the Unity engine



Note that I have copied the Mono x64 runtime library to the \dependency\mono directory, so only the C++ code can be compiled without installing Mono. I have compiled the C# code in advance to generate MainTest.dll, so you still need to install Mono in order to recompile the C# code.

Compiler Guide

C++ compile to generate exe needs to be configured as follows.

  • Compile include: \dependency\mono\include\mono-2.0`

  • Linker lib path: \dependency\mono\lib

  • Linker lib: mono-2.0-sgen.lib

C# compile to generate dll (On Windows)

  • After installing Mono, add the \Mono\bin` folder to the PATH of the environment variable

  • 64-bit installation will be completed in: C:\Program Files\Mono\bin. 32-bit in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin

  • In cmd go to the directory where the Program.cs file is stored

  • mcs Program.cs -t:library

Running Guide

If you encounter the error that the dll cannot be found, here I list a few possible solutions

How to solve the problem of not finding mono-2.0-sgen.dll?

The file mono-2.0-sgen.dll is actually in the \dependency\mono\lib directory, a few solutions.

  • Install Mono: mono-2.0-sgen.dll will be registered in the system when you install Mono, and the program can find the dll automatically, as follows `"Simple-Demo.exe"(Win32): "C:\Program Files\Mono\bin\mono-2.0-sgen.dll" has been loaded. Symbols have been loaded. \ If you don't want to install Mono, you can take the following approach

  • Copy mono-2.0-sgen.dll to the same directory as Simple-Demo.vcxproj: vs studio will add the directory where the .vcxproj file is located to the debug object's environment when debugging, so that mono-2.0-sgen.dll can be found and you can see the program in my case Normal loading dll "Simple-Demo.exe"(Win32): loaded "C:\Users\xmy\Desktop\MonoRuntime-Cpp-Embed-Demo\Simple- Demo\mono-2.0-sgen.dll"

How to solve the problem of not finding mscorlib.dll?

  • The directory set by mono_set_dirs(monoLibPath.c_str(), monoEtcPath.c_str()) is not correct, please set the first parameter to /dependency/mono/lib



Language:C 97.4%Language:C++ 1.9%Language:C# 0.7%