xj85770 / load_balancer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Load Balancer Project


This Load Balancer project is a simple yet functional implementation of a load balancing system. It distributes incoming HTTP requests across multiple backend servers using a round-robin scheduling algorithm and maintains high availability by performing regular health checks on the servers. The project is intended for educational purposes and provides a foundational understanding of how load balancers work in a networked environment.


  • Python 3.x
  • Basic understanding of networking and HTTP protocol
  • Backend servers running on different ports for load balancing (e.g., Python's built-in HTTP server)


No additional installation is required, as the script uses Python's built-in libraries. Ensure that Python 3.x is installed on your system.

Running the Load Balancer

Start Backend Servers:

Ensure that you have at least two backend servers running on different ports.

Example command to start a simple HTTP server in Python:

python -m http.server 8080 --directory server8080

Repeat the command for different ports and directories as needed.

Run the Load Balancer:

  1. Clone or download the load balancer script from the repository.
  2. Run the script using Python:
    python load_balancer.py
    The load balancer will start on port 80 by default.


After starting the load balancer, send HTTP requests to http://localhost/. The load balancer will forward the requests to the backend servers in a round-robin fashion. The health check mechanism will periodically check the availability of the backend servers. Unhealthy servers will be temporarily removed from the round-robin pool until they pass the health check again.

The health check mechanism will periodically check the availability of the backend servers. Unhealthy servers will be temporarily removed from the round-robin pool until they pass the health check again.



Language:Python 81.5%Language:HTML 18.5%